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Shit, the rain followed me? Even if it wasn't so strong, I'm shivering and trembling... then I heard my doorbell ringing, I ran and opened it, it was Atsumu breathless and a little bit wet

"Are you okay?" He asked then I heard an lightning, I closed my eyes "jump" I did and he hold me by thighs, I wrapped my legs around him like before and he closed the door "tell me where your room is"

"U-upstairs, the first door in the left" when he entered my room I said "y-you're wet you need a towel and a blanket, or you'll get sick"

"Where are they?" I answered, he got the things and didn't let me go not even for a second, then he sit in my bed "Thankfully only thundered when I was already here"

"Y-you ran back just because of me?"

"Of course, how could I let a scary cat like you alone?" I was about to punch him when I hear another thunder, I hugged him really tight instead, "Calm down, I'm here, it won't hurt you" he rubbed my back, I could hear my heart settle down. I grabbed the towel and started to drying his hair

"S-stay quiet, I can't do it if you keep moving"

"You're scared and you're still worried about my hair? I can't handle you sometimes Kari" he rubbed my cheeks with the other hand, I hide my face in his neck with embarrassment and he laid on my bed

"You're wet, don't lay on my bed, at least change your clothe, your jacket and your brother's hoddie are still here, you can choose" I stand up and walked to my wardrobe's direction

"I want the hoodie and that's mine" I nodded and walked in his direction but I heard another thunder so I ran and jumped on his lap, he rose his chest and laughed "you look so scared like Shu"

"S-shut up, raise your hands" he did and I took off his wet hoddie, his shirt raised a little bit showing his abs, Geez he's too hot, my cheeks are burning thankfully he didn't see it, our position and this situation is really strange... I ignore my thoughts and make him wear the other clothe, he nodded as a thanks

"To tell the truth, you look better in it than me" he laid on the bed and I laughed, Atsumu looked inside of my eyes, I hate when he does it, I think he can read my mind "Listen, Kari" he pulled my head to lay on his chest "I'm sorry for what I said before, it was a lie, I was just angry and I shouldn't do this with you, I don't hope you forgive me, I mean the day before that I told you I wouldn't hurt you and that was exactly what I did, I just want you to know that I'm really sorry"

"What made you angry?" I asked, maybe that was what Sakusa told me to do.

"Mayumi lied saying she did the bento box, and in that day she wanted to cheer for me during our practice, I was so stupid that I thought that I wish you did the same for me, I had told you all that stuff in my house and you just nodded, I wanted you to care more for me, I-I'm really sorry, I'm so stupid Hikari"

"Well, I think I can't blame you. Atsumu I'm not good with words, I'm still learning how to express myself... I shouldn't have called you fragile too, indeed, I didn't lost for years but I was desperate, not because I was ashamed or whatever, it's because I wanted to help to cheer you guys up and I don't know how to this" I looked at his eyes "I forgive you, Tsumu" he hugged me tighter

"I'm so happy to hear this" I give a little kiss on his cheek "it's too much to ask for you to call me Chumu again?"

"S-stupid Chumu" he laughed like a little kid

"It's so good to hear you calling my name instead of my surname, that means we're friends, right KariKari?"

"Yes TsumTsum, we're"

"I like this one, actually I love it" another thunder and he rest his head over mine "I promise if rains again, I'll run for protect you, you won't have to be scared alone anymore" I nodded

"You should text you brother, he might be worried" he pouted "don't do this face" I cupped his cheeks "I care for both of you"

"But you let him set for you" he looked at me with puppy eyes

"That's true, and I would let you set for me too if we didn't have argued, how couldn't I trust in someone who runs in the rain just to see if I'm okay?" He smiled "now text him"

He did what I said and we stayed like this until the rain stopped, I give something to Atsumu to eat

"I'm sorry I don't know how to cook, you're probably hungry, I hope when you have a girlfriend she knows how to cook for you like Samu does"

"That's not my priority, I don't mind, and I can cook for both of us" I laughed

"I know you do" he blushed "it's late, you should go, I don't want your mother to be mad at me"

"Even if you try I don't think it's possible, she already consider you as family, thank you for the food" he said goodbye but before he left he turned around and took off his hoodie "raise your hands Sunnie" I did and he put it in me "yes, that's true, it's better when you wear it, bye"

He knows that I have three clothes to give back to him right? I sighed, this guy know how to make a girl's heart beat like thunders...

*next day*
Today would be a normal day at school... if Atsumu wasn't following me wherever I go. It's lunchtime time, we're in the canteen, Suna is sleeping at my side while the twins are bickering about who would sit next to me, this time Tsumu won and when he sit I remembered something

"Hey, Tsumu, I brought your hoodies today to give them back to you, do you want to go to my classroom then I can hand it to you?" He nodded, while we walked in the hall, a lot of people looked at us, sometimes I forget that he's famous here... then my class representative approached me

"Hi Hikari, I'm glad I found you, our science teacher told me you're brilliant in his subject" while he talked, Atsumu hugged me from the back and rested his chin on my shoulder, what the hell is he doing? The guy looked strangely at us but he kept taking "we have an study group, I would like to know if you're interested in joining us, it's after class-"

"She isn't" Atsumu answered for me, I sighed

"I'm sorry but I can't, before class, I have volleyball practices"

"That's a shame, you should put your intelligence in the first place, I hope you change your mind" before Atsumu started to argued with him, he left

"Tsumu, what you're doing? Are you sure you're hugging the right girl?"

"Of course I'm, who I would want to hug besides you?"

"Everyone is looking"

"I don't mind Sunnie" he teased me and I pat his head

"You don't need to be jealous of him"

"He tried to take you away from me, so yes, I'll be jealous" I tried to change his mind but it was worthless, then I asked him to let me go and we went to my classroom

"No you have to keep the last one, the one That was wet" I asked why "because I want them smelling like you, I love your perfume, it's citric" that's too weird but I'm tired trying to argue with this big baby so I nodded

"I can't wear it right now, my uniform have to appear"

"Then use underneath your shirt" I only accept it, 'cause it's really cold this morning.

After that we came back to the canteen, Atsumu walked too close to me the whole way

"Tsumu if we walk like that people will think we're dating and your fangirls will kill me" he distanced himself looking sad and dejected, I said something wrong?

When we sit Osamu teased me asking why I'm wearing the hoodie I said I would return

"Your brother is too stubborn" I answered and my teammates teased me the rest of the day... but Atsumu still looks sad, I tried to see in his eyes the answer, but I couldn't find it...

Dearest Enemy {Miya Atsumu}Where stories live. Discover now