Chapter 1: You're not allone

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Angus screamed. Just like he always did. He was half a year old and screamed angrily. Nothing new for the Young family. Day in, day out, Angus' screams echoed through the walls of the house.

"Angus, come on. Stop screaming." Margarete, his mother begged. Malcolm, who was two years old, ran into the kitchen.

"Mom, why is Angus, screaming? My head hurts. Why can't he stop?" He asked and sat down on a chair. The baby was in a small crib. Margarete was cooking.

"Because he doesn't want to be alone." Margarete sighed.

"But he's not alone. I don't yell around when George isn't playing with me." Malcolm puzzled. Margarete smiled and kneeled in front of her son to be at eye level with him.

"You know, darling." She patted Malcolm's shoulder. "Angus wants physical contact."

"What does that mean?"

"That he wants someone to hold his hand. And I can't do that all the time because I still have to do the household." Malcolm nodded slowly.

"Did I want physical contact too?"

"All babies want this. But Angus wants it very much." Malcolm went to Angus and took the baby's little hand. The screaming stopped. Angus' little chubby fingers tightened around Malcolm's middle and index fingers. The little boy had big eyes and Malcolm smiled.

"Where am I, Angus? Here I am!" Shouted Malcolm. His older brother George had always played that with him. Margaret started to cry. "Angus?" Malcolm asked uncertainly. The baby turned its head and looked in Malcolm's direction. "Ma? Why isn't he looking at me?" Malcolm asked, puzzled, and looked at his mother. Margarete knelt next to Malcolm and wiped her eyes.

"Darling, your brother is blind." Malcolm looked at her blankly.

"What's this? Is it bad?"

"Yes darling. He doesn't see anything." She patted Malcolm's head.

"You mean he ... he can't see me?" Malcolm asked, trembling. She nodded.

"Yes sweetheart. The only thing he can see is black. Darkness. He can only hear you."

"What does that mean?"

"Close your eyes, Malcolm." Malcolm closed his eyes. "And that's exactly what Angus sees. He can only hear you." Malcolm opened his eyes quickly.

"That's terrible!" He cried sadly.

"Yes, it is." Margarete whispered.

"Is that why he wants to hold my hand so he knows he's not alone?" Malcolm asked, looking down at his little brother. Margarete nodded sadly. "Ma?"

"Yes? What is it?" She sniffed.

"Will Ang be able to see again someday?" The mother smiled at the nickname.

"No, Malcolm. He won't." She whispered.

"But ... I can still play with him, right?" Malcolm asked, tears forming in his eyes.

"Yes. You can. But be careful." Malcolm nodded sadly. Margarete pulled him into a hug. "Hey. Everything is fine." Malcolm whimpered.



"Can Angus move into my room?"

"You want him with you?" She asked in surprise. He nodded quickly.

"I don't want him to be alone." Margarete smiled.

"Okay." She got up and lifted Angus out of the crib. The two of them went up to Malcolm's room. "Where should his bed be?" She asked.

"Beside mine." Commanded Malcolm. The mother smiled. She laid Angus on Malcolm's large bed. Malcolm sat down next to his brother and took Angus' hand. The baby's green eyes looked roughly in his direction. "I love you, Angus. It doesn't matter whether you can see me or not. I will always be there for you." The mother came back with the bed and put the little crib next to Malcolm's bed. "His clothes can go in my closet." Malcolm said.

"Do you really want him with you?" Asked Margarete in surprise.

"Mummy! He's my brother!" Malcolm cried, almost angry. Margarete smiled warmly. So she furnished Malcolm's room with Angus 'things. Angus whimpered softly when Malcolm let go of him to make Angus' bed. Malcolm ran over to him and carefully picked him up his lap. "Sh. I'm here, brother. You're not alone." Margarte and her husband saw them crying through the crack in the door. "I haven't even introduced myself yet. How rude of me. So, I'm your big brother Malcolm and I'll be there for you, Angus. As long as I can. You are not alone even if you think so."

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