Warriors in Training

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  300 years later

Another beautiful, sun-drenched day with its beautiful azure sky and its comfortable, warm temperatures presented itself. The people of Fortis, a well-populated metropolis bordering the ruins of Luminaria, were always ecstatic when the weather was pleasant. A woman stood on her doorstep watering a cluster of lovely flowers. Two children ran down the street, nearly knocking over a weary merchant. A young boy tossed a worn leather ball out into a grassy field, his dog sprinting after it in a merry game of fetch.

The city itself was constructed after Luminaria came tumbling down from a monstrous attack three-hundred years prior. While it contained much of the beauty from the fallen city, a thick set of fortified walls surrounded the entire city, with guards posted atop it. Fortis took a great amount of pride from their military: strong warriors determined to protect their beloved homeland. In fact, Fortis has been widely known for its strong militaristic government.

Legends exist and rumors float around among the people as well. They are all similar, chronicles of what actually took place the night Luminaria was destroyed. Most tell of a valiant queen who fled the city with the world's most prized possession in hand. Others speak of an archer who saved her life. No one knows exactly, as there are no written accounts. Only tales passed down from generation to generation. Historians and famous archaeologists have searched far and wide for evidence leading to what may have become of Queen Clarissa, but to no avail. Several still hunt for confirmation, but many believe they will never discover anything worth value. As for the queen, after she supposedly fled, she was never seen again.


On the outskirts of Fortis was a dense forest filled to the top with vegetation, scores of ancient trees, and homes of various animals. In the heart of the forest was a luscious meadow where tall grass and yellow wildflowers grow, and are always in abundance. The afternoon sunlight streamed through the trees, raising the temperature, perfect for a summer's day. The serenity of the meadow was broken when the military's youngest warriors arrived to exercise their combat skills.

Leira stood straight in the dead center of the field, her breathing heavy and her face dotted with perspiration. Her brunette hair was pulled back tightly, strands of it frizzed and tangled. She had shed her tan jacket to reveal a white sleeveless shirt with thin straps. A gleaming silver sword was gripped tightly in her hands. She glared mischievously at her opponents: five over-confident warriors-in-training like herself, only younger yet more musclar, while she herself was nearly eighteen with a slender and somewhat well-muscled build. They had less experience that her, so naturally their skills were not up to par with hers. 

They surrounded her, eager grins plastered on their faces. It seemed as if they thought they could over-power her. She stifled a laugh and lunged for the first one, skillfully swinging her sword. He parried instantly, the screeching of metal against metal echoing through the forest. She continued pressing her sword against his, keeping him distracted, so she kicked him fiercely in the stomach. He recoiled, the power of the blow sending him back a few inches. Enough time to swipe at him with her blade, leaving a thin scratch on his arm.

Two others advanced on her, swords at the ready. She brandished her sword, gritting her teeth. One of the boys lurched forward, hands balled into fists. Leira reacted quickly, side-stepping out of the way, watching in amusement as he gained momentum, unable to stop, and hurtled head-first into a tree. A third snuck up behind her, snarling. She whipped around and used her blade to smack his own sword right out of his hands.

"Next time, don't make so much noise," she commented, kicking a fourth warrior on his chest, causing him to lose balance and fall to the ground with a thud. The fifth combatant appeared less confident than he did before, his hazel eyes watching her anxiously. She locked eyes with him, distracting him. She lunged over to the side, promptly slicing him in the hip, a long gash forming on the skin visible beneath the torn cloth. He winced and leaned against a tree, gripping his side.

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