The Forsaken

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Leira pressed her shivering hands to her mouth and sent a stream of warm air against her frozen skin. An unnerving quiet had fallen upon the forest; the only sound being her own rhythmic footfalls on the dense soil and William's ungainly movement sounding behind her. Up ahead, a tree root was growing above ground. "Watch your step," she hissed through gritted teeth. She scolded herself for not dressing for the weather.

She expertly bounced over the root, stuffing her hands in the pockets of her military coat, hoping to warm them somewhat. Her senses remained on high alert, for she could not remove the feeling that she was being watched. She heard a thump followed by a muffled groan. William had tripped over the root, and now lay face down in the soil. Sighing, Leira paced back to him and grabbed his arm tightly, hoisting him up.

"You know, when I say, 'Watch your step', it doesn't mean you go falling over things," she scolded, releasing him. He rubbed his arm where she had touched him and shook the twigs and dirt from his blonde hair. She shot a glare at him and continued walking.

"So, you live here?" he asked suddenly, breaking the silence. She found it difficult to look at him. Is it because he looks like Ethan? She shook the feeling and shoved her hands deeper into her pockets.

"Yeah. I've lived here all my life," she replied frigidly. She quickly glanced at him. "Why do you ask?"

"It seems like a nice place to live," he commented, not entirely answering her question.

"It is. When the sun is high, it lights up the ruins of Luminaria so it almost glows. And if you watch the sun rise by the ocean, it's really beautiful--makes the water all sparkly. And..." she realized she had gotten carried away. "I don't even know why I'm telling you this."

She heard him chuckle, and she frowned. "Well, I wouldn't expect you city folk to understand." Her response was extremely harsh. He remained quiet after that.

"Mind if I call you Will?" she asked, reminding herself this was the last time she would say anything to him.

He shrugged. "Go ahead. I don't really care."

When they reached the wall, Kyle and the other soldiers were gone. The torches still burned brightly, illuminating the area with an orange glow. Kyle was not on top of the wall, surveying the forest, and Cora was not in her dream-like state, feet dangling over the edge. Even the lazy soldier who Leira had spotted napping earlier was gone.

"Um, Sergeant? I'm no expert on your military, but I think there are supposed to be guards here." That earned him a hard slap on the arm.

"I know! Now keep your mouth shut.

A fire was blazing nearby, and they seemed to be getting closer and closer to the wall. What are they trying to do? Set the whole town ablaze?

Leira placed one foot on the metal ladder, gripping the rung that was eye level with her tightly in her hands. She firmly placed her other foot on the bottom rung and slowly started to climb. Without a word, she motioned for Will to follow. When she noticed the absence of the sound of a second pair of boots climbing the ladder, she looked back. Will stood at the ladder, watching her climb.

"What are you waiting for?" she called, angrily staring at him. His eyes were illuminated by the torchlight, which allowed Leira to notice that they displayed pure uncertainty. He sighed and began to ascend the ladder.

Leira's boots clinked on the sandstone base of the wall. She waited impatiently for Will to finish climbing. In the torchlight, he looked even more like Ethan, with a few minor differences. His face was caked with dirt, and his uniform was torn and mud covered. 

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