Forest of Grass

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The nomadic village that the group rested in for the night had arranged to leave the next morning. Some argued that it was too early in the season to leave, and they must wait for the supply party they had sent out to return. Others were fearful of being attacked, urging the others to leave to safer lands. Either way, Leira and company would have to depart, since they were mere guests in the village. Kyle, being the considerate person he is, assisted several villagers with their preparations. There were carts to be loaded, dried fruits and meats to be wrapped up for preservation, houses to clear of furniture, and wooden crates to be packed up.

Leira was strong and able-bodied enough to help move things around, but the villagers had other ideas. Since she was a woman, they placed her on the preserving of food. Will cheerfully moved large crates around, smiling mockingly at Leira. She through an apple core at him, which simply bounced off his shoulder, but was enough of a distraction to cause him to lose his balance. He wobbled and fell forward, straight into the wall of one of the sod huts. Leira smiled and began laughing, returning to her work.

Kyle shook his head as he ambled over to help Will up. The box remained intact, so Will lifted it back up and continued his work. Cora worked silently, assisting some of the villagers with packing up small valuables into some wooden crates. When they finished packing, Kyle would approach, grab the crate, and load it onto the cart.

When they finished, Leira assembled the small group. The villagers were just about ready to depart, getting the final preparations in order before they began moving. Everyone began walking in the direction they planned to move, towards the northern regions. A group of villagers waved to them as they walked away. Leira, Kyle, and Cora nodded with faint smiles on their faces. Will waved automatically, as if it were something he did every day.

Leira slapped his arm, which he immediately returned to his side.

Together they trudged through the plains. Leira attempted to ignore the intense heat that the sun gave off. Being in the rough, nameless plains that bordered Fortis and Luminaria, there were no large oak trees to shield them from the sun. Will remained quiet, seeming to finally get the idea that Leira was getting tired of his constant complaining. However, she found the silence to be uncomfortable, so she decided to strike up conversation.

"So, Will, why were you even anywhere near Fortis? I don't recall people from the Capitol ever visiting," she said, reminding herself she was bound to ask sooner or later. He lifted his head, his eyes looking clearly surprised. Leira realized it was better that he was taller than her, since he partially blocked out the sun. When he did not answer, she said, "Well?"

"I-I, well, I was w-with a tourist group. Y-you know, checking out the nearby regions," he said, his words sounded uncertain and hesitant. Something tells me he is lying...

But, instead of calling him out on it, she said, "I see... You people really live such care-free lifestyles. You should be happy; I actually envy you."

He smiled in satisfaction. Leira gently punched him on the arm. "That doesn't mean you can get all cocky!"

Will started laughing, which earned him a strange look from Leira. Unexpectedly, she started laughing too. I don't understand! What is there to laugh about?

It did feel good to do it though. It was difficult to remember the last time she has even outright smiled. Kyle looked back at her, eyebrows raised. She immediately stopped laughing and glared at him. He smirked and returned to his conversation with Cora.

As the group pressed on, the prairie grasses seemed to grow taller and thicker, until they were confronted by a forest of grass many feet above their heads. The grasses were a paler shade of green, and the higher they went, the duller the color became. Will grabbed one in his fingers, staring at it with pure awe. "Where are we?" he inquired, not removing his eyes from the grass.

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