The Enemy

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 Beyond the borders of Luminaria and Fortis, far from any civilization, is the realm of the enemy to the people of Luminaria, without a title. It is essentially a lifeless domain, for the ground is dry with no vegetation. The few trees that exist contain no leaves, and have bark that is an odd shade of ashy black. Merely a single structure was present there: an imposing fortress made of slate gray stone with thin slits for windows, two thick bolted doors with rusted iron hinges, and a general, festering exterior. An impenetrable iron gate with matching fences surrounded the perimeter of the lot, preventing anyone from getting inside.

The interior was more regal than the exterior, with a crimson carpet with gold embroidery, polished golden chandeliers lit by diminutive flames, and ghastly ornamental items such as unsightly gargoyle statues, paintings of bleak and disheartening scenes, black painted vases, among other objects. The fortress was occupied by the leader of the enemy army, a man named Maximillian.

He sat in a main chamber where meetings with his head subordinates were held, atop a comfortable, cushioned chair elegantly designed with gold. His face rested against his left hand, eyelids half-closed over his deep black eyes. His dark hair was unkempt, as if he'd recently rolled out of bed. He wore a simple black tunic and pants made of thick cloth. His day had been unproductive. He had sent his military to plan the base for their next attack, hoping this one will prove successful. They already had trustworthy leads directing them to the location of the desired object. It had taken them the entire day to plan a strategic move, and they still hadn't concocted one. On top of that predicament, he was stressed and exhausted from sleep deprivation. He could scarcely remember the last time he had had a good night's sleep.

The doors to the room were thrust open, causing him to be thrown out of his dream-like trance, sitting up straight. His assistant and second-in command, Minerva entered the room, seeming to glide over to him. Her entire body was hidden beneath a black cloak, to the point that even her face was hidden. The only thing visible was a set of fiendish violet eyes that gleamed mischievously through the darkness inside the hood that covered her face. Despite the fact that he could not see her face, her aura radiated a slight combination of anger and annoyance.

"What news do you bring, Minerva?" he inquired, eyeing her curiously.

She drew in a deep sigh and spoke. "Nothing worth mentioning, master. Those fool strategists of yours are hardly worth keeping. They cannot even formulate anything of use."

Her voice sounded infuriated, on top of her usual commanding tone. Minerva was the only person who could ever intimidate him. 

"Perhaps it is time we invented a plan on our own. It has been too long since we have taken action. If we have a supposed location for the crystal, we must act," he replied, head swimming with ideas.

She nodded. "What did you have in mind, sir?"

"We shall invade the city just as my predecessors did with Luminaria, if I recall correctly. The best way is to strike at night, when the military is at its weakest. We'll search every nook and cranny for that crystal."

Minerva hesitated. "We are discussing Fortis, sir. They have a fantastic military, one that would never let its guard down during the dark hours. You intend to attack head on?"

He contemplated the idea for a moment. "We're up against weak humans Minerva. I am sure that even you know how easily breakable they are to us. They will be no obstacle in obtaining the crystal."

"I suppose I cannot disagree with you. The Rune-bearer has appeared in Fortis as well.  She cautions you that there are those who oppose you. "

The crystal, an important artifact in the world, selects a worthy person to protect it by marking him or her with an intricately patterned Rune on their right arm. He had the bearer cover the Rune with make-up. That person threatens the Fortisan army by simply existing, and he could not risk having her killed.

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