Chapter five:

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"Ave, wake up" A voice shouts, banging on my bedroom door. I blink and open my eyes. The banging continues and I yawn as I stand up, making my way to my door.

The door opens and there stands Grayson, a look of fear on his face. "What do you want? It's 8 in the morning?" I ask, my voice raspy while rubbing my eyes. "Get dressed and come downstairs. We'll explain everything when your in the dining room" he says, heading down the stairs.

I roll my eyes and slam my door shut before heading to a chest of draws, picking out a pair of sweat pants and a sweater. I stare at myself in the mirror, disgusted by the mascara smudged over my face. 'I look awful' I mentally whine before opening up my door as I put on my stitch slippers and jog down the stairs.

"Okay what the hell was so important that I had to be woken up on a Saturday morning?" I joke, chuckling. As I walk into the dining room, it's pure silence; my parents sat on one side along with Grayson and The Chadwick's on the other with their younger son, Brandon sat on mr Chadwick's lap.

"Tessi,Mark, what are you doing here? I thought you were seeing Grandma Babs" I beam. "Well...we were bu-t Cameron didn't come home last night" Mark stutters. I furrow my eyebrows. "Yeah she did, I hugged her goodbye and she walked away at 9:30, I even saw her" I tell them.

Tessi shakes her head. "No, she didn't come home, I've been calling around to see if she's gone to someone's house and they said no so...this was the last resort" she tells me, shaking her head. I gulp and my hands start to shake. "Let me try her cellphone" I tell them.

They call out to me as I run up the stairs and into my room, fumbling around to find my phone, as tears started to fall from my eyes.

"Come on, come on pick up" I mumble, pacing around the room.

'Yo, it's your girl Cam, sorry I can't come to the phone right now, I'm probably fucking your dad...just kidding...or am I? Anyway, leave a message after the... beeeppp*

I yell and throw my phone on the door, and sit on the bed, putting my hands on my face before sobbing hysterically.

"Ave, it's okay" Grayson soothes me, embracing me in a cuddle. "She's gonna be fine" he tries to assure me. I look up at him, my eyes burning from the tears. "I told her to text me when she's home...she didn't"

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