Chapter 1- Zelda

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'So, I really am a mess..?

I'm not surprised. I can't do anything. I'm 17 and I can't even get one thing right. All this research I do...and for what? Fathers's useless.
I'm useless.

Is this really my life? I'm a princess, living in luxury, why am I feeling like this? I shouldn't feel like this. I can't. Everyone else in this royal family can do their job just fine, whether it's in the past or the present. And calamity won't be here and I still can't do my job.

I really am...a mess.
Even more than that. A useless mess.'

Seconds had turned to minutes and minutes possibly to hours. It felt like days for Zelda of being lost in her own mind.

Zelda's thoughts were too much to bare and ate her up alive. She was over-thinking everything way too much. And she was used to this. But why should she be used to this?

She was still trapped in her mind that she didn't even notice the rather bright sun rise as the light peeked through the cracks of the beautiful, silky, red curtains.

She lay on her luxurious bed in her chambers. Her bed was very wide and decorated with glittering gems, all fit for a Princess. Her body didn't even take up half the space. Her long, golden hair was spread out on her bed as she lay on her back, eyes completely zoned out onto the ceiling. She was deep in her mind while she played with her fingers automatically.

Her worries and thoughts ate her whole, and yet she was used to all this. Her face was stuck into her usual frown, while on the verge of tears.

If you were to see her right now in the moment you could feel the pain in her shattered, sad, emerald eyes that were full of pain and the suffering within. Just one look at her. And you'd feel sad. Even knowing this herself, she knew no one could truly understand her. And her difficulties. She cared too much about how others viewed her as she did not wish to be felt sorry for. She also did not wish to be known as weak.

Zelda did not worry much about her looks, more to do with what others thought of her as a whole and what they thought of her as the upcoming ruler of Hyrule. Even if she had to try and look powerful or beautiful...she knew inside that it didn't matter to anyone, other Princes would see beauty as a bonus but she knew they were mainly after the kingdom of Hyrule.

She did not know it, but she was beautiful. Beautiful beyond words. Beautiful green, emerald eyes, full of wonder and curiosity. No matter how bright it was outside, her eyes would shine the brightest.
She had smooth waves of golden hair that lay on her shoulders perfectly.

But what she did not know the most...was the beauty within.

Zelda continued to over-think. And more than usual this time.

'I'm being too ungrateful, people go though much worse than me. I shouldn't act like such a fool. I won't complain--I can't complain.'

She was way too busy thinking about her life choices. Her mind full of regret over childish things that happened ages ago. And yet, still hope for the future.

Infact, she was so busy thinking she didn't even notice the rather loud 'creeeeek' that came from the doors of her chambers.

The door slowly opened and a familiar face popped out from the door. But she still didn't even notice. She was too lost in thought ae her thoughts one by one crashed into her mind.
Her mind was a prison. Trapping her from reality.

Zelda's Beloved- [ART SCENES] (botw zelink/Link x Zelda fanfic) CHAPTER 26 OUTWhere stories live. Discover now