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Angst - Fluff

Ship(s): IidaBaku - DekuBaku ( Females )

Au: Genderswapped - Test AU

Test Subject: /09

Code: #86507

Gender: Female

Ability: Hyper Activity

The man walked swiftly through the white halls, his long white coat brushed behind him as he searched for room 507. The certain test subject in that room was going to be important for this mission. Finally reaching the room, he quickly jabbed the numbers onto the passcode lock and a click was heard. After about a minute, the door slid open quickly. He looked in and saw glowing red eyes staring back at him, he glared at them and they curiously looked away. He tapped a button and the lights turned on, the red eyes flinching and scrunching shut. There before him lay a little girl, around the age of ten. She was fully clothed in a baggy white shirt, black leggings, and white ankle socks. Her fluffy blonde hair fell to her shoulders, her bangs slightly covering her eyes as she looked down.

He simply hummed as if to acknowledge her then walked up to a screen on the wall. He checked her logistics, oh... her heart rate is rather high.. He turned his gaze back to meet hers once more, except this time she didn't look away. Her sharp cut gaze pierced his soul in a way that left him shaking. Something about the look in her eyes frightened him, run! RUN!!! His mind screamed at him to move but he couldn't. Fuck. I'm seriously getting scared by a little girl?! He ignored his own inner pleas and turned back around. Her scarlet gaze remained on the back of his head.

And all of a sudden he felt too aware of everything, his heart beat, his blood rushing through his veins. It all felt too fast, he screamed, grabbing his shaking wrist, his own mind not clear. He was confused, but he was sure of one thing. I'm not going to make it out of here.

Shouting was heard all throughout the facility, but one thing was made known, a man had died and subject nine had escaped.

[ Thirteen years later in NYC ]

Drunken laughs were hardly heard over the sounds of the city, twenty-three year old Katsuki giggled and tripped as Tenya kept a tight grip on her waist. "Ohhhh 'Enya look it's the stars~!" Katsuki giggled as she stumbled, wrapping her arms around the other's neck. The blue haired girl laughed nervously, grabbing the other's hips, "okay Kat, but we need to leave now." She looked around nervously, easily spotting the black car "Like now."

She quickly pulled the blonde along the sidewalk, swerving through the crowd; dragging her fiance behind. Katsuki was clearly shocked sober, "wait what? They couldn't have found us already... t-that's insane!" A scared laugh escaped the small young adult as Iida stopped and turned to her, gently rubbing her wrists "yeah I know, but it will be okay. I won't let them take you; you're safe. We will protect you." She mumbled into the other's lips, giving soft pecks between words. "O-okay.." Katsuki nodded, "alright let's go."

While the couple had been busy talking they hadn't noticed the two people in black trench coats approaching him. Katsuki yelped when one of them grabbed her arm, easily yanking away and she hid herself behind Tenya, who gladly stood in front of her. "What the fuck!" she yelled, purposely of course, "don't touch her you freaks!" and that's all it took for people to start shoving them, yelling names, and someone called the police. Tenya took this as a chance to escape and quickly pulled Katsuki away from the mess.

And as far as the two ran the people would always find them, no matter what. So they never stopped running, and the people never stopped seeking...

The woman laughed, slightly digging her blade into Tenya's neck, the other flinching but not having the strength to pull away. Bakugou stared at her bloodied and brusied fiance "w-wait please don't hurt her!!" the blonde cried, fighting her restraints. "Oh, sweetie!" The lady laughed pschycotically, "I don't give a damn about your pleas!" She swiftly moved her blade across the blue haired girls throat. Katsuki blinked, and the world blurred. She wtached as her soon to be wife's body fell limp, lifeless.

And that was the moment Katsuki knew she couldn't stop fighting. She had at least one thing left to protect. This shocked the woman; that along with a kick to the jaw. "You whore!" the woman growled, standing as she held her face in her hand. "You- you!" Instead of finishing she choose to kick Katsuki in the stomach, grumbling she walked away.

Bakugou curled into a ball, no no no no no no no- you're gonna be okay I'll protect you... the words rung through her head, starting out in Tenya's voice then ending in her own. "I-I'll protect you.." she mumbled clutching her stomach, shaking as her world went dark.


Katsuki blinks as she awakens to hear shouts and see lights, everything seeming to move in slow motion. She lays on her side and stares at an ambulance, finally. Relief washes over her body, a warm blanket was wrapped around her form as she sat on a stretcher. She slowly looks towards three blurry forms.... "Toshinori..?" she mumbles, "yeah I'm here now Young Bakugou.... So is Aizawa and Midoriya, it's going to be okay."

"Tenya said the same thing.."

The sadness in the young adult's voice breaks the others hearts, "I-I'm sorry Kacchan!" Midoriya squeezes her bestfriend in a tight grip, "I'm so sorry.." she rambled in between sobs.

"It's okay... T-Tenya would want me too move on.." tears well up in her eyes.. Her and Midoriya meet eyes and they both smile sadly at eachother.

And Katsuki Midoriya moved on just as promise, that's right. Her and Izuku ended up falling in love, what a story, am I right? Her daughter, Tenya, is seven years old. And she really was worth fighting for.

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