Chapter 10: A Clearer Mind

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10:30 a.m. May 6, 2020

Axel heard the sounds of the tv and hearing the news woke him up from his daydream. He heard the voice of Charlotte Biel, the speaker of today's news. He looked over at Samantha and she was staring blankly at the screen, her eyes reflecting the scenes on the news channel as if she was so concentrated that she was almost hypnotized. "I'm Charlotte Biel and this has been the local station on Puebla News. Have a good day." Charlotte said and it went to commercial. Samantha turned off the tv using the remote that laid on the coffee table woven from wood.

"Well that was interesting." Samantha said, looking at Axel. "What was?" "The news talked about Puebla and gave great places to start a tour. Do you want to do that with me?" "A tour around Puebla?" Samantha nodded her head and smiled. "I would love to! But didn't you want to talk about the visions?" "Oh I would but I'm sure Celeste and Jayden have their own thing going on." "I know they might but it seems important. Don't you want to find out who this woman who attacked us really is?" Axel said. "I do but this seems more more important to me. Doing this thing with a good friend seems like the best day ever and I would love to enjoy this time we have here at this hotel."

Axel knew right away that he would rather spend time with Samantha even though she told him that she no longer wants to make dating work. "Yeah totally. Let's do it! Let's get on a tour and see my home town." Axel said and smiled. "Yeah! Wait-you were born here?" "Yeah, on the night of the Cinco de Mayo Celebration, Liza was talking about the cottage she and Jenifer went to where I used to live. It burned down and I moved to Florida." "Oh Axel-I'm sorry to hear that your family home burned down but at the same time I'm excited to see where you used to live. Is it going to be on the tour or do we need to make a side trip to your cottage?" "I don't think it will be on the tour but sometime while we're staying here, I'll show you where I used to live." "Great! We should catch a bus." Samantha said and stood up with Axel.

They brushed their teeth, grabbed their wallets which they put in their pockets, (Samantha having hers in her purse) Axel grabbed their room key, and after he locked the door behind them, he put the key in his right pocket along with his phone which he already had in there. He was so excited about seeing what his birth town looked like from a tour's perspective and Samantha was just in it for some time with Axel. Axel and Samantha took the stairwell and when they got to the lobby floor they ran into Liza and Jenifer. Liza was texting Jace and seeing how he was doing while Jenifer was standing next to her by the girls' bathroom door; there was a line.

"Oh, hey guys!" Axel said full of excitement. It kind of shook them a bit. "Axel, Samantha, hey. What's going on?" Jenifer asked. Liza was still in her phone contacting her hot doctor boyfriend. "Hey Liza, who are you texting?" Samantha asked. She got no response. "Lizaaaa, Samantha just asked you a question." Jenifer nudged her. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that you guys were standing there. What did she ask?" "She asked who you were just texting there." Jenifer said and shook her head with her eyes rolled. "Why do you want to know?" "Liza...what's going on? Did I offend you somehow?" Samantha asked. "Of course you did. That's why I rubbed you the wrong way just then. This crazy lady almost killed us last night! I'm sure it's your fault." "Wow. I'm really sorry but I have no idea who this woman is and if I did I would tell you and the group right away. Swear." Samantha crossed her heart. "Ok. So, you're sure you don't know her because it seems to me that she knows you somehow." Liza said. "Liza that's enough." Jenifer said, calming Liza down. It only calmed her a little bit.

"I promise I have no idea who she is and why she attacked us last night." "Ok. If you're lying then I will not trust you until you do me a solid. Got it?!" Liza was sure that Samantha wasn't really telling the whole truth, or any truth really, but she was eager to see what task she would have Samantha achieve for her. It was the only thing that made Liza smile at that moment until Jace sent a heart emoji back to her. She couldn't stop smiling. "Understood." "Where are you two headed?" Jenifer asked. "We are going to take a bus to town and catch a train to take us on a tour of the town I was born in." "Nice! Have fun!" Jenifer said. "Yeah, have fun." Liza said and paid attention to her boyfriend.

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