Chapter 1: Beginning

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Izuku yagi is now being beaten by izumi and her friends, katsumi, shoka, shoto, katsuki and uraraka.

Uraraka: you'll never be a hero.

Shoto: your just a useless kid.

Shoka: i can't marry a quirkless wannabe.

Katsumi and katsuki: your just a deku.

Izumi: i cannot believe i have a brother like you!!

Izumi and her crew left izuku in the ground unconscious.

Izuku woke up and he's still at school he notice that it's evening, izuku was panicking that his parents might get worried. So he leave school and head home.

At home

Izuku arrive at the house and he notice that they are eating, izuku was worried that they totally forgot him. without startling his parents, izuku then broke to his own room and none of his parents notice it. Izuku then decided to sleep and think, everything will be ok tomorrow.

Next day 10 years later Timeskip

Izuku woke up and he is 14 years old, he head down stair and his parents weren't there, thinking that everything was normal. Well things got worse.

At school izuku gets beat up by his bullies, not only that, izumi creates a game called 'catch the deku' where the game starts with izuku will have to run away and his bullies will chase him and beat him up.

Izuku have been in that life until he was 14.

Izuku yagi is now walking to school where he heard all students whispering something about izuku going to be beaten, izuku just ignored it and head inside the school.

At class

Izuku's teacher is holding a paper where they will put their dreams on it.

Teach: now i want you all to fill this paper and wright all of your dreams. Nah who am i thinking, you all want to be heroes.

After the teacher said that all of the students started to cheer while using their quirk until, bakugo slammed his hand in his table and said.

Bakugo: hey teach, don't lump me and my crew with this D-lister, we all know who will ace and become hero right.

With that saying all of the students began to argue with bakugo until the teacher said.

Teacher: oh right bakugo, you and your friends want to go in UA too well you will go in recommendation. And. Izuku yagi your going to UA too right.

Then a silent filled inside the room before all of the students Burt into laughter except bakugo and his crew, bakugo was pissed and slammed his hand in izuku's table and said.

Bakugo: Hey, Deku! You're below the rejects! You're Quirkless! How can you even stand in the same ring as me?

Izuku: im only applying as a support hero.

Izumi: ok, i thought your going to be a hero?

Bakugo: still i don't want you to get in my way.

Izuku: don't worry i won't do it.

Bakugo: make sure it or else i will beat the-

Bakugo was cut off by the teacher saying.

Teacher: all right, bakugo stop this in instance.

Bakugo just smirked before sitting down in his chair.

After school

Izuku was about to leave when bakugo took his hero analysis.

Bakugo: what's this? Hero analysis for hero? your really are weird.

Bakugo said as he exploded his notebook and throw it in the window, the notebook almost fell out when suddenly a boy name tenko shimura levitate the notebook.

Tenko: katsuki bakugo, have you ever learn to not pick a fight on those people below you?

Bakugo: what did you say?!

Tenko: i mean im saying that you maybe are weak cause your fighting a boy that doesn't have a quirk meaning that your weak.

Bakugo: what?-

Bakugo was cut by the class whispering that tenko is right about bakugo, bakugo was pissed and he left the room with his crew.

Tenko saw izuku and float the bool bacl to him before giving it to izuku.

Tenko shimura
Quirk: ???
Ability: can float anything by using his mind and controlling it with his hand.
Past: tenko shimura was izuku's childhood friend suddenly bakugo and the crew appear and ask tenko to joining them, tenko ignored it and he saw his friend being beaten by his other friends.

Izuku: thank you tenko, you know your the only guy who really treat me good.

Tenko: well what can i say except your welcom-

Tenko was cut of by a bully behind izuku, the bully was about to punch izuku when suddenly the boys hand was stuck in the air, tenko was confuse until he look at midoriya, he saw midoriya's hand open.

Tenko then look at the bully and be use force push on the bully before leaving with izuku.

Izuku: where are we going?

Tenko: to my master.

Timeskip in dagobah.

Izuku and tenko have arrive in dagobah, izuku look at tenko confuse.

Izuku: tenko, why are we here.

Tenko: i told you my master is here

The two boys then walked in the beach where they saw a green creature that is wearing a robe like clothes, the creature turn around and said.

??: you must be the new jedi, my name is yoda.

Izuku: h-hi?

Tenko: well izuku you will be train by him and im going to leav-

Izuku: wait tenko!?

Tenko: yes?

Izuku: i didn't sign up for this.

Tenko: izuku, you said you want to be a heri and here you now, training. Ok you go to my father figure and train, izuku this is a once in a life tine opportunity, ok.

Tenko then left a frozen izuku because he said "father figure", izuku turn back where he saw yoda meditating and said.

Yoda: Izuku, begin we shall.
(fuck it I don't know how to make a fucking yoda impression.... Help)

To be continue

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