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I go downstairs and see Kate sitting at the table. She set the table up in a fancy way. She cooked Baked Chicken and rice.
"How are you feeling Lilith?" I look down at my plate. "Not talking huh? Still upset?"
I still don't look up at her. I finish my food and get up causing the table to move and juice to fall on my skirt.
"Shit!" I mumble.
"Langue!" Kate yells.
"I'm 16 I can curse if I want!" I yell back. I throw my glass plate in the sink which made it break. I clean it up and accidentally cut my finger. Blood drips down on the floor.
"Oh my god! Are you okay let me help yo-"
"I'm fine leave me alone" I say in a deep almost eire voice. I storm upstairs and slam my door and lock it when my phone rings again.
"What?" I say annoyed.
"Oh It's me, Miles" Miles says. He hears me sniffle. "Hey, are you okay?"
"Yeah I. fine" I hang up and lay on my bed and clutch my finger as hot tears roll down my face. 25 minutes later I hear a knock on my door.
"What?" They knock again.
"Unlock the door please" A voice says.
I unlock the door and Miles is standing in front of it. I quickly wrap my arms around him.
"Hey are you okay? Lilith?" More blood drips down I didn't put a bandage on the cut. Mikes drags me into the bathroom and gets a med kit.
"Miles, really I'm okay!"
"No you're not, now brace yourself this is gonna hurt." He rubs rubbing alcohol and it stings.
"Alright now for the finishing touch!" He take out a pocket knife and holds it near his hand.
"Miles! What are you doing!" I yell "I'm making things even." He reply's "No, no, no Miles! You don't have to do this! You helped me enough were even I don't even know what your talking about getting even!" I try to convince him to stop. "When you helped me with Bowers I never said Thank you! This is thank you!" He make one long cut in his hand and doesn't even flinch at the pain. "Miles! I told y-" "It's fine okay? It doesn't even hurt I just have to bandage it." I wipe my eyes and shake my head at this boy. He chuckles.
We go downstairs and Kate is no where to be found. Miles and I search for her.
"Kate? Kate where are you! Kate!"
"Lilith! Look she left a note it says she'll be back around 7:30" Miles says pointing to the fridge.
"Do you want to watch a movie?" He asks. "Sure" We turn on the TV and he puts on 'Hocus Pocus' "Oh my god the Blond Witch is so funny!" I says laughing.
40 Minutes later into the movie I fall asleep...
Sorry This was a short chapter I wanted to make the next part about Miles.

My best friend Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now