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She walks away swaying her middle finger at me. I look at her back pack and see her address on it. oh gosh if I go she will kill me, and that's just fine.
I go to the address I saw and knock on the door. A young blond woman about in her twenties opens the door.
"Hi I'm Miles I'm looking for a girl her name is Lilith?" I ask the lady.
"Uhh yeah that's my Niece And my name is Kate."She says putting her hand out for me to shake it.
"Well Lilith went to the pharmacy to pick up something she will probably be back and a little bit do you want to stay here?"
"Sorry I have to go do... homework!" I lie.
I get back home and me little sister Flora run up to me and wraps her arm around my waist.
"Your home! Guess what?" She asks smiling. Her smile fades away when she looks at me. "Miles, What happened to your face?"
"Oh nothing I just tripped i'm okay Flora." I blurt.
"Miles, No more secrets what happened?"She says more sternly.
"Fine just... these kids beat me up okay? But it's fine!" I say walking upstairs.
"Miles." Mrs Grose speak up. "What did we talk about? You have to stand up for yourself! These kids will just walk all over you!"
"I know, I know i'll do it next time." I say dryly. "Now what we're you asking me before Flora?"
"We're getting a new nanny! Her name is Kate!" Flora yells.
Kate? Wonder if it's the same I met today?
"Well when is she coming?" I ask my little sister.
"Tomorrow!" She exclaims.
I finish talking to her and go upstairs to do my homework.
I fall asleep and keep thinking about what happened today, with Lilith.

The next day at school I see her in the library doing homework. I wave at her and she looks up. She gets up and tries to walk away but I reach her before she can.
"Hi Lilith!" I say waving at her.
"Hi" She rolls her eyes. "How do you know my name weirdo?"
"Your aunt"
"How do you know her!" She yells.
"Shhh!" The librarian shushes.
"I went to you house yesterday." I whisper.
"How do you know me address." She says narrowing her eyebrows.
"Your backpack" I point to her backpack "It had your address.

The bell rings and She walks to her science class. I follow her because I had science class.
"Okay class! Today you will be doing a project with someone in the class." The teacher says.
Please be Lilith, please be Lilith, Please be Lil-
"Here are your partners, Alex and Sam, Clarissa and Lucas, Dan and Ted, Chloe and Karen and Finally Lilith and Miles. Please take a seat next to your partner." The teacher states.
Lilith comes and sits next to me.
"Great" She mumbles under her breath.
"Is there a problem Ms. Mandell?" The teachers asks.
"No, Everything s fine." Lilith says
We get started on our projects and the class finishes. We get to her locker.
"Since were partners we have to work on our project, so do you want to come over to my house later?" She asks.
"Uh yeah sure that's okay" I say leaning on the wall trying to look cool.
"Alright see you later weirdo"

We walk on the sidewalk and it's silent.
"Uhh Lilith?" She looks up "Remember when you helped me yesterday with Bowers?"
She nods and continues to walk. "Well You said 'You don't know what I can do with this what I have done with this.' What did you mean by that?" I ask.
"Oh." She pauses "I-I only said that to scare them" She looks down at the floor.

My best friend Miles Fairchild Where stories live. Discover now