Kirishima was deleted
Todoroki: Ummm, having a poetry battle was our idea.
Todoroki was deleted
Alex: He's fine.
Alex: Fine.
Kirishima was brought back
Todoroki was brought back
Alex: Anyways. That was just a lyric prank. I'm not gonna kill anyone.
Kirishima: Hehe.
Alex: I don't plan on killing anyone..... yet.....
Bakugo: Okay, what the fuck? Are you fucking crazy?
Alex: Maybe.
Bakugo: .....
Alex: Bro, my cat has been sitting on top of my Xbox staring at the Minecraft "You died!" screen for like an hour.
Bakugo: Who was playing minecraft?
Alex: Definitely not me. I've been playing it for so long that I just want it to burn. I'm sick of it. Burn it. My little sister was.
Bakugo: Uh, okay. Speaking of your sisters, are you overprotective?
Alex: Hell yeah. They don't deserve how much I care about them, especially because what I get in return is toxicness and insults. I love them, and they obviously love me, but they are just too mean for me to handle sometimes. And my younger sister, the middle child, is usually boss of everyone, and I go with it, because I'm more of a follower than a leader. Also the fact that when my parents go out and I'm charge, nobody wants to fucking listen to me.
Bakugo: Uh, okay. So you just let your younger sister lead everyone around?
Alex: Yes. She's the scary one, and I'm one with common sense. Our little sister, is the worst of both of us combined. Which is why we treat her like a third-wheel. I know it's not right. But I can't help it. Cause she's so much younger than the older kids, she's interested in different things. I'm kinda rude to her SOMETIMES. But my sister, (the middle child) and the youngest sister, they have a on and off bully-victim relationship, and it's so fucked up. But when I tell them to stop, or tell them each of their problems at the moment, they just use the same excuse. "Well, she started it!" And it hurts to see my sisters argue like this. They used to get along so well. But they're just like their dad.
Bakugo: Their dad?
Alex: Oh, right. They're my half-sisters.
Kaminari: Does that mean if you dated one of them it would be half illegal?
Alex: Kaminari, since we don't live in Alabama, I'm not gonna answer that question.
Alex: Anyways.... I love cats. Cats are adorable. I have two. One's a tortie and the other is a black cat. My tortie sorta looks like this:
Shinso is online
Shinso: That's so cute!
Shinso is offline
Alex: Thats not an actual picture of her though. My tortie cat is really dumb. My black cat is the one with the common sense. I wish I could bring them everywhere with me.
Midoriya: Sho, why are you ignoring me?
Todoroki: I'm busy with homework.
Midoriya: But its due in like a month.
Todoroki: Its better to get it done now than later.
Midoriya: But I want cuddles
Todoroki: Fine.
Midoriya: Kiss meh~~
Kirishima: Chile, anyways so-
Alex: Well, um, my Dad loves to cut up onions.
Bakugo: Okayyyy???
Alex: Onions was a good dog.
MamaMina: Oh- Uh- Goodnight.
MamaMina has gone offline
Alex: Who wants to hear all my dark humor?
Tokoyami: Me.
Todoroki: Sure.
Bakugo: No, who the hell do you think I am? Weird ass motherfu-
Alex: That's great! Everyone said yes!
Bakugo: But-
Alex: Shut the fuck up Bakuhoe.
Bakugo: Yes ma'am.
Alex: Why can't orphans play baseball?
Bakugo: Idk.
Alex: They don't know where home is.
Bakugo: Bitch the fu-
Alex: Like I said. Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
Bakugo: Why do you try to be scary?
Alex: I don't.
Bakugo: Then why does it seem like it?
Alex: I don't know.
Bakugo: Do you have anymore hobbies, besides this?
Alex: I like to give English lessons to 11 year olds on Roblox cause they don't know how to spell. And then they assume that I'm 54, but I just have common sense ;-;
Bakugo: So, why do you call people out for incorrect spelling?
Alex: It really triggers me for some reason.
Bakugo: Oh, ok.
Alex: Imma end it here. I stayed up till 3 am watching gacha life ;-;
Bakugo: Uh, bye?
723 words
I do watch gacha life. Don't judge me. Bye. ;-;