Writer, reader, blogger, reviewer, procrastinator. Also metalhead, politico, semi-fluent in three web design languages, two real-world languages, and vocal hater of adverbs and excessive dialogue tags.
I am a huge supporter of young authors, and because of some naive stereotypes, I am harsher with young authors. I feel those of us that do have some degree of competence should prove everyone else wrong. I'm also harder on the authors that get a crapload of attention on here. You've had plenty of people tell you your stuff's amazing, and one more isn't going to help you.
I do edit things if I deem a project interesting. My definition of interesting varies, so don't ask me what counts as interesting. But for the love of God, I am not here to fix your grammar. You should have a firm grasp of the English language and its conventions before you approach me about editing. That includes punctuation. I will, however, be happy to help with your plot, your pacing, your characters, your detail--just about everything else story-related. But not your grammar or your spelling.
Twitter: #!/GraceKnight5" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.twitter.com #!/GraceKnight5
Tumblr: http://graceknightwriter.tumblr.com/
- Wherever the Storm Breaks
- Üye olduMay 8, 2012
- website: graceknightbooks.blog.com
En büyük hikaye anlatıcılığı topluluğuna katılmak için kaydolun

I'd like to direct everyone's attention to the following article:http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/14/net-neutrality_n_4597831.htmlMad yet? You should be.Tüm Konuşmaları Görüntüle
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