Dilemma - Ch. 4 - Part 3

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The message was sent to Kirishima. It went something like "Hey Kiri, Blasty asked if he could talk to you in his dorm, his phone died". I can't think of a better excuse, because I'm Kaminari. Dunce-faced Kaminari. Heh.

Honestly, now that I think about it, I really  don't like being called that. Dunce face. Well- who would- but.. it's not the first time I've been called that. I check the time; 5:32 pm.

The kids in my classes, preschool to high school have always found names to call me for when my quirk acted up. "Dunce, Brain fried," and some other ones that were more creative, but I can't quite remember. One was "Broken Phone Charger". Oh God, how I hated that one.

My heart started beating faster.

The child who came up with that one was an American exchange student, his name was Dane. When Dane found out that I could go stupid through overuse of my quirk, he abused the information.

"Hey! Phone charger!" The new student called. I don't know his name, but he seems nice. I'm sure the nickname isn't to be mean.

"Do me a favor, and stick your finger in the electrical outlet." I look at him, and the outlet he was pointing to.

"Momma said not to do that. Says it's dangerous." I shake my head. Momma says no, so I say no.

"Awe, she's being silly. C'mon, it'll be funny!" He giggled with an odd smile. It doesn't feel right. I'm not stupid.

But then again, I want to be funny. My classmates like funny things, and maybe if I'm funny they'll laugh with me and like me more.

"Okay, uhm--?" I turn to him, and he smiles.


"Okay, Dane!"

I do it, I stick my finger in the outlet and zap using my quirk, and then everything goes black and fuzzy, besides the light coming in through the windows.

"Oh my gosh- who's done this, Kaminari or Miji?" I hear my teacher's voice, but IJ cannot speak.

"Kaminari. He stuck his finger in the outlet." I hear Dane- how could he? Why would he snitch?

The class starts laughing, but it doesn't feel good at all.

"Hah, can't use his quirk anymore- like a broken phone charger! broken phone charger!" The class boomed in laughter, and it feels horrible. Why are they laughing at me? Is it the way that I look?

I start crying and the laughter gets louder. "Crybaby! Crybaby!" The children scream and boom with insults.

Why.. stop.. please... its not funny now...

I snap out of whatever horrible trance I was in. My hands are at my face, over my eyes. I started crying, but I don't know when. I take my head off of my hands, and look outside.

I'll go on the roof.

I hop off of my bed, grabbing a pair of shoes and slipping them on. I move everything away from my window as per normal. It opens with an awful sliding chalkboard sound, slowly going up.

I sigh, and take a breath in as I step on the bottom of the window, lifting myself up and in the windowframe. I turn clinging onto the edge of the roof, and pulling myself up slowly. It hurt, the tiles dragging across my skin through my shirt and pants. I crawl further onto the roof, as to not fall as I look out into the sky.

I look in my hand, which was oddly enough carrying my phone. Must've grabbed it without thought. I have eight unread messages, four from Mina, one from Bakugou and three from Sero.

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