Time is an Illusion

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Author's Note: I have not updated in so damn long, and it was because I was.. drumroll please.. grounded. For over a month. That's besides the point, the only reason that that was mentioned was so you could understand why some things may not be completely right with the story, and I have to go back and read what the hell Nakamura's first name was. Anyway, enjoy yet another filler chapter! 


(3rd Person POV) 

After actually sleeping once, it became a habit. Kaminari couldn't help it, sleeping for long periods at a time was actually a nice difference compared to the sleepless nights he used to receive. Though, he only faults himself for staying up on Skywars- yelling at the screen any time Sero had killed him. 

Sleeping so much and so often ruined his sleep schedule entirely, however, and now that's all he could do. Of course, he stayed awake in the cold nights to view the stars when he could, but otherwise he just slept. A lot. Time went by rather quickly, and now he only has maybe five days left of spring break. He wonders where the time flew, but he knows that it flew straight to his pillow nearly 15 hours a day. 

Nakamura hasn't even really talked to Kaminari since their first interaction at the beginning of the break, and the guy seemed to work himself to death. Even on their break, he was doing side projects for night schools and he actually had a job. Kaminari will never understand how he does it.  

Kaminari sighs and flops over on his stomach for the fourth time in the past hour. He really wishes the days would go by faster. He's bored to death at the dorms practically alone. He hasn't really moved or gotten up to eat, either. Just laying in bed, overthinking as per usual. He's been at this all day, and now darkness has claimed it's spot in the sky for the night. He's checked his phone a few times within the last few hours, though, but to no surprise it was more dry than an American desert. 

A knock suddenly comes to the door, and Kaminari isn't ready to answer it, nor get up. He doesn't want to talk, either. He likes being lazy. But the knocking refuses to cease, and Kaminari is forced to either reply or get up. He chooses the lazier option. 

"Who's there?" Kaminari calls out into the pitch. His lights are off right now, so he can faintly see two feet in front of his door, slightly animate.

"Guess," someone responds from the other side of the door. Kaminari lets out a groan of annoyance, but he immediately realizes that it isn't Nakamura or any of the teachers. It was another student. It was Sero. 

"Sero?! What the hell, get in here!" Kaminari sits up, lightly bouncy in his bed. The door knob is suddenly flung to the left, from where Kaminari's sitting, and the door is nearly thrown off it's hinges. A sheepish Sero lay in it's frame. 

"My bad," Sero says. "Guess I was just happy to see you." He gently closes the door, and lets himself in. The lights are suddenly turned on, burning Kaminari's eyes even through his eyelids. 

"It's fine- but warn a guy before you singe his eyes with light," Kaminari hisses, and Sero laughs, taking out a laptop from his bag that Kaminari hasn't noticed before. 

"Have you been a vampire the entire break or what? You literally look hurt by the light, Denks." Sero asks, placing his laptop on the bed with the upmost care, before tossing his bag to the side somewhere on Kaminari's oddly clean floors. 

"Oddly, yeah. I've been sleeping for like- days at a time," Kaminari joked. "It's kind of funny, you know. I used to never sleep, but now it's all I can do. Bored out of my mind." He pulls his blanket up. His room seems colder, or he seems warmer, he couldn't tell yet. 

"Honestly? Felt that to a new level." Sero sighs. Kaminari cocks his head to the side in question, rather confused. 

"Hadn't you gone to your parents for the past break? That couldn't have possibly been boring, Fanta." Kaminari said, ensuring to use Sero's old middle school nickname. It was kind of funny. 

"Well, it's fun for the first two days whenever you have a bunch of new shit to say, and people are actually excited to see you. After a bit, it just gets boring. Which is why I left early." Sero replies, opening his laptop. It's an aquamarine green, and it has a bunch of pretty fish stickers on the back. The front has a whale sticker covering the front.

Sero scoots himself that way he's sitting beside Kaminari, rather than in front of him. Sero starts playing some game he downloaded while he was away, and Kaminari was rather lost in the background art. It was so confusing. Nearly creepy. 

"Oh, shit shit-" Sero started muttering, and Kaminari chuckled. Sero was now getting chased by one of the game's mini bosses, and it was doing a lot more damage than it should've towards Sero's character. "Please! Noo! I worked hard for this stuff, kindly screw off sir! Noo!" Sero's button-mashing threw Kaminari into a fit of laughter.

Sero cursed silently at Kaminari, which sent Kaminari into laughing even harder. Kaminari suddenly reached over and clicked one of the buttons, and Sero's character literally explodes. Shit. 

"DENKI!" Sero lets out a loud sigh..yell? Not sure. Kaminari was left cackling at the fact that no matter the game, he always manages to make Sero die. "It really isn't funny. I had a gold prismarine! Dude!"

Kaminari just flings his arms over Sero's shoulders in a sort of side-hug. 

"Awh, too bad. You can find more." Kaminari giggles lightly, and Sero just sighs. He closes the laptop and puts it under the bed. Before Kaminari realizes it, Sero has fallen asleep, leaning onto Kaminari's shoulders. Must've been a long ass flight. 

Kaminari yawns, and looks out at the stars. Leo's out tonight. Kaminari smiles, and ruffles Sero's hair before closing his eyes. This is the most peaceful he's ever felt in the dorms. 


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