People Suck

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A:n: I'm writing this on my phone for the time being, so bear with me as it will be much shorter. Not saying that I can't write a lot on my phone, just that I get more inspiration when I use my laptop.

Song recommendation: My Ordinary Life -The Living Tombstone, Slowed + Reverbed


Time literally flew past Kaminari ever since Sero came back from his trip home. They'd been playing video games for the most part, and snacking on random things in the kitchen at a ridiculous time in the morning.

Not to mention they only left the dorms twice, and that was because Nakamura offered a ride or so to a nearby restaurant. Things were going just fine. Were.


"Do you guys want to head to the nearby grocery store? I think they have the new game release now." Nakamura offers. They're in the main room, on the couches nearest to the TV. Kaminari stood handing his feet off the side of the couch he was on, watching something on youtube.

Sero's on the couch across from Kaminari, reading a book on some dumb science they'd be studying when the break was over.

"Sure!" Kaminari swings his legs over, that way he isn't hanging over the side anymore. "Sero? You?" He asks, tilting his head at the boy across from him.

Sero shakes his head, putting a bookmark where he was last reading.
"I actually have to go through some things that are still in boxes. I need to get it over with before the rest of the squad show up."

"Ah, okay." Kaminari just shrugs, and hops off the couch. "When are we going?" He turns to face Nakamura.

"We'll be leaving in a few minutes, I have to go find my keys." Nakamura walks away from where he was previously standing, towards the staircase. He never touches the elevator. Something about the fear of falling.

Kaminari just nods, which goes unnoticed, and walks to the door to wait for him. He bounces a bolt between his thumb and his index finger, to pass the time quicker. That's what he says, anyway.

His arm is held upwards, in a sense, and the sleeve of his- no, Sero's hoodie falls a bit. It reveals the scars he'd gained from his quirk malfunction, and he immediately pulls the sleeve up, putting his arm down.

He's become more self conscious of them recently, ever since Nakamura pointed them out accidentally. They've become a sense of shame to Kaminari- to the point that he's tried to cover it with concealer or any form of sleeves he can.

Nakamura's hand waves in front of Kaminari's face carefully, and it's gone the instant Kaminari notices.

"Ah, my bad. Didn't mean to get lost there." Kaminari chuckles, trying to shove off the fact that he's probably been in his head now for a good minute.

"Got it. It's quite alright. I've found my keys, ready to go?" Nakamura swings the keyring around his finger.

"Yeah, yeah." Kaminari follows him out to the car- which isn't very expensive or flashy.

Nakamura has mentioned a few times that his parents tried to get him a nicer car, a flashier one, but he prefers older cars that don't draw much attention. He's less likely to get robbed from.

They both get into the car, Kaminari getting into the passenger side and Nakamura getting into the driver's side. Each door slams shut, and the car starts, and they leave the parking lot.

The city was honestly mesmerising to watch fly by in a vehicle. Enough to draw away any attention to the villains that plague it.

"How far is it again?" Kaminari asks. Nakamura shrugs.

"Well, it's Game Clique, so I'm pretty sure it's about thirty minutes away." Nakamura's grip on the wheel shifts slightly. "Without bad traffic, it takes about twenty minutes."

"Game Clique is expensive as hell, dude. You always go there?" Kaminari laughs a little bit.

"Yeah. Parents are rich, and they give me a fraction of what they earn. It's a lot." Nakamura replies with a chuckle.

It didn't take a long time to get to the store, since the small talk and music passed the time just fine. They step out of the car, careful not to slam the doors too hard. Once the car was locked, they started walking through the parking lot to the store.

"It's hot as hell, dude it's just spring!" Kaminari complains, throwing his arms in the air like a child.

"I know- I'd sweat bullets if we had to wait out here." Nakamura says, holding his arm up to shield his eyes from the sun.

The boys eventually reach the doors, and when opened, are hit with a wave of relief. Cold air. Kaminari walks in freely, while Nakamura is making sure his keys are in his pocket. Once they are, he also walks in.

"So, where's the newer release stuff?" Kaminari asks, Nakamura walking beside him.

"The newer release should be in the back on display, with the games being held on the other display racks." Nakamura says. They continue walking until they reach the back.

Some lady, with her.. 13 year old at least, is screaming at the store attendant. Great. Kaminari and Nakamura both share a look of 'this shit again' with each other, before walking behind the lady. She's kind of short, and she's definitely from the U.S.. Her son looks like he's done with her Bs, and it's obvious that he just wants to leave.

"You have no idea what I do for him every day! The least you could do is cut me a deal for my kid's game." The woman screeches.

"Ma'am, you are holding up the line. For the last time, I can't help you." The store attendant looked no older than Nakamura or Kaminari. He looks so done, yet very apologetic.

"Ugh! You are a lousy employee!" The woman scoffs, her hand flying to behind her. Kaminari, unknowing to what she was doing, got hit in the face. Ouch.

Kaminari stumbles a little, and Nakamura turned to him laughing a little bit.

"Dude- ha- are you okay?" Nakamura asks through wheezes.

Kaminari just nods. He isn't feeling the best now. He expects the woman to turn and apologize, but instead she turns and scoffs.

"You should have backed up for me. You knew that was coming." The woman says. "You're acting like a brat teenager."

Kaminari just rolls his eyes. This sets the lady off, and she uses her quirk-  some form of water quirk, and douses him in water. Kaminari is less than amused, while Nakamura is laughing harshly. He finds it hilarious.

Two guards lead the American out of the store, while Nakamura grabs what he came here for and walks out with Kaminari. Kaminari walked out with a free game. Cool.

"Sorry that I kept laughing dude. I can't take people like her seriously." Nakamura says, unlocking his car. "Don't worry about the seat getting wet, it'll evaporate eventually."

Kaminari thanks him, and sits in the car uncomfortably, to say the least. Nakamura lets a chuckle out at hin every now and again during the ride back to the dorms.

"People suck dude." Kaminarii says through Nakamura's teasing.

"You got that right." Nakamura says, letting out yet another famous chuckle.


A/n: UNEDITED, Unviewed, done on a whim.

It's much shorter than I'd like it to be, but I'm currently in another state so I only have so much time to update. This was more or less a filler until I can properly get back to writing. Thank you all for being patient with me!!

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