Spring Break - Pt. 3 - Ch. 11

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>>Third Person Point Of View<< 

Kaminari and Nakamura got lost for hours playing Minecraft and doing stupid things on the server. First, Kaminari blew up Sero's house, which Nakamura scrambled to try and fix. Later, they both built a rather large structure a little bit behind the town that the Bakusquad had built. They added treasure rooms, chests filled with just coal, and one filled with cobwebs. The large structure was fun to build, but Kaminari's computer died, resulting in Nakamura accidentally being kicked off. 

"Sorry about that, again," Kaminari put a hand to the back of his neck. "Should've brought my computer charger back here." 

"Aren't you like a living charger though?" Nakamura chuckled. He turned to face the window behind the couch which they had been sitting at, and he gasped lightly. "Dude, I think we completely lost track of time." 

Kaminari looked out the window to find that it was pitch black outside, with only a few street lamps guiding people's way. It was.. odd, since it only felt like maybe two or three hours to them. 

"Guess we should go back to our dorms, huh?" Nakamura chuckled. All of his stuff was still in boxes outside of what was Mineta's room, piled up and almost making it impossible to walk past the dorm, 

"Yeah. But I'll warn you, the guy who lived in the dorm before you was kind of um.. odd, so you might want to sanitize literally anything," Kaminari chuckled. 

"For sure man, thanks for the heads up." Nakamura replied, closing his laptop gently before picking it up and carrying it upstairs. 

Kaminari sighed quietly, now being left alone. He didn't want to bother the new transfer student, since he was still attempting to move his things in. Who would be awake right now? Bakugou? He'd probably blow Kaminari's face off. He doesn't want to talk to Mina, because, well, she's a bitch when she's tired. 

"I'll call spiderman." Kaminari decided absentminded. He knew Sero probably wouldn't pick up, but it was worth a shot since he normally stayed up late at UA. "But before that, I'll just go snatch a water from the fridge. I can't chug monsters forever." he whispered to himself, walking slowly and quietly. If anyone were here, they wouldn't be able to tell that he was up. 

He opened the fridge, scanning for maybe snack foods and of course, water. Once he found the flavorless drink, he grabbed it and shut the fridge carefully. 

"Ugh, God, is it gonna be this boring every night?" Kaminari rolled his eyes, making his way to the stairs and walking up to his dorm. He touched the knob, and it felt freezing. He retracted his hand quickly, making a sound as he quickly sucked in air. "What the hell..?" 

He quickly turned the knob and shut the door behind him as he entered the dorm. He realized why it was cold. For whatever reason, tonight it was 45 degrees outside, even though it was supposed to be spring now. 

"Sheesh, I'm an idiot to leave the window open. Who knows what bug could've crawled in." he cringed to himself as the last few words came out. He didn't mind bugs, but in his room? No thank you. He'd rather have to deal with Mina being a h0e all night rather than sleep with bugs in there. 

He walked over to the window, and closed it. It made that awful squeaking sound it normally makes, which causes Kaminari to shut it faster. He never liked to stay outside during cold nights, so he'd just watch the stars from his windows on those nights. 

He sits there, putting his water down as he leans on the window sill. He let out a sigh. Though the window is closed, he can still feel the cool air from the other side of the window. His breath left a smudge where his face is. 

He thought to himself for a bit, and decides against calling Sero. He doesn't want to bother him, it is a little late. 

The stars aren't as bright tonight, but that's fine. Kaminari doesn't mind. His ADHD mind keeps going a million miles an hour, thinking of two different things at once, and that thought going away as a new one comes. 

But there's one thought that keeps repeating. 

He should call Sero. 

Kaminari sits for a minute, thinking to himself. He doesn't think it would be a good idea, since it's late, but he does miss his best friend already. It's only been a few hours. Sero doesn't find him annoying, does he? No, no, they're best friends that's.. 

Kaminari sighs, stopping his train of thought. He was oddly comfortable, and felt tired. He hasn't slept in a few days, and the cool air from the window was comforting. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to close his eyes for a little while.. 

(Words: 820) 

(A/N: This is honestly a filler chapter, since I haven't properly updated in how long? I'll try harder. My Mcyt oneshot book will probably updated more than this though since it doesnt have a proper storyline. Warning, this isn't edited by any means, so I'm sorry if there's something incorrect lol.)

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