Dilemma - Ch 3 - Pt. 2

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Alright, what do I ask? I can't just go up and ask, he'll be pissed with me. I can't really do anything but knock on his door and ask, but that'll end up in "It's fine, Kaminari, I'm fine, leave me alone."

I don't want that.

The dorms weren't far, this I knew, but I didn't think they were this close. I'm at the doors now, and Bakugou's dorm is the third one on the boys' side. Not far- why am I trying to take my time?

Honestly, none of us have ever had a serious conversation with Bakugou, except for Kiri once. But now, this explosive boy even ignores Kirishima- the person we know he trusts most.

I finally open the doors, viewing my options mentally. There are two, but one of them is already off of the table, so I suppose one. I have to knock on his door, and prepare to be yelled at... probably.

I walk slowly to the door labelled, "KATSUKI, LEAVE." written in red ink on orange paper, by Bakugou himself. The handwriting is nice; I could never. Wait- I'm at the door now- what am I doing?

I knock once, then twice, then four times.

"...F-fuck off," a crisp, raspy voice answered from the other side. His voice was probably fucked from yelling like that.

"It's.. It's Kaminari," I said. "Not that it makes a difference." I bounced a little bolt between my thumb and my index finger, anxiety getting worse as he waiting to answer.

"It doesn't." Bakugou said. What's the point..? "But I guess you can come in. I just.. Can't talk to Kiri right now. I snapped at him, he'll never forgive me." Bakugou's voice had sadness lacing every part of it.

I opened the door, now with Bakugou's permission to go in his dorm. He looked up, face calm, but visibly upset. I could feel it in the air.

"...What's been up with you lately.. I mean, around Kirishima that is." I started, lightly pressing. If he wanted me to stop asking, and focus on something else like minecraft, I wouldn't press.

"Look, Pikachu- I wouldn't tell anyone normally, but if anyone else in our group knew, all of Japan would know next because of Sero and Mina." He replied, looking at me with pleading eyes. "Just- promise me this conversation stays in this room."

"I promise; I know what it's like to get rumors spread about you. It's not the greatest," I laughed a little, though it wasn't funny whatsoever. It was in middle school, when I told my best friend at the time that I was bisexual. Of course, this spread around like wildfire and I was bullied severely. Whatever he says stays here.

"What?" he asks; immediately waving the question away. "Nevermind." he puts his hand on his face, leaning his elbow on his leg and his head on his hand; thinking.

"I.. I haven't been patient with any of you, and.. I'm sorry for that. I never meant to snap at Kirishima, but if they knew... I don't think I'd have a friend group anymore." I nodded, quietly waiting.

"...Kaminari... I think I'm gay for Kirishima." my eyes, instead of being calm- popped open. He'd never lose me, but knowing Mina.. I'm not sure. We know of Todoroki and Midoriya, however she talks shit about them all the time. Too often, saying that it's weird for two men to date each other. I never commented, but there are so many times where I want to slap her in the face.

"Oh my lord- Bakugou!" I smiled brightly, and he looked up at me with an at first panicked face, thinking it was negative, but immediately becoming confused seeing my bright smile.

"I never expected that- either that, or I'm dense- but you'll never lose me for that. I'm actually bisexual," I smiled. He gave out a loud sigh, and laughed a little bit out of anxiety.

"Of course you'd be," Bakugou joked, "with your bright personality, I'm not surprised." he smiled; but his face is still off. He wants to say more.

"Anyhow- is there any particular reason you like him?" I ask, giving him the lenny face basically.

"Particular... Kaminari, I can't think of just a few- I can think of a hundred," he smiled and laid flat on his bed, and this is when I realized that I had subconsciously sat on a chair near his desk. "He's.. well, for starters, he's adorable. You can't deny that."

"True-" I laugh. Everyone thought Kirishima was hot and adorable at the same time, including me. But no homo, because I ain't into that, no offense Kiri.

"The way he's so passionate about everything and everyone- Kami- he cried because he squished a moth once. And yet he feels no sympathy towards villains- not saying he should though. Oh, and he bites into his ice cream, like a weirdo- which just makes him different to me. Might seem weird to you, but it's the small things, Kamin- HEY! WHAT ARE YOU SMILING AT LIKE THAT???" Aaand he's back. I was smiling like a dork as he sat there and explained to me why he was so madly in love with Kiri. Yep.

"Nothing! Nothing. One question, though. How are you guys going to.. Repair that..? I mean, when you snapped at him. OH! And what you said earlier, he'll forgive you, I know he will."

Bakugou's smile faded slightly, and he sat with a puzzled expression.

"I'm going to need you to do me a favor. Could you tell him I need to talk to him in my dorm?" I understood why he didn't want to do it himself. Their tension is already high, probably doesn't wanna make it worse.

"Yeah! When?"

"Whenever you leave, I guess."

Wait.. What?! That's so soon, though. He's only just telling me.

"Look- I know what you're thinking, Kami. But please understand that this has been eating at me for the past year almost, and I've only just told someone about it, that one person that I've told is you. I think it's better to just get it off of my chest; and maybe he'll understand. No excuse for my snapping, though." Bakugou suddenly spewed quickly. I took a minute to process it, and it hit. I nodded.

"You want me to get him now?" I ask. Bakugou nods, and I leave. I'll go to my room, and message Kiri- because that's a good idea. Not really, but honestly I'm tired. Not like I'll fall asleep though.

A/N: Felt a strange compel to write today, and I've skimmed over it. If there's anything offensive or writing errors, lemme know. Jay is out UvU

(Also- 1,115 words, I-)

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