Dilemma - CH 2 - Pt. 1

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This was going to be a long day.

"That's.. why did you go to sleep that late?" Kirishima asks Kaminari. Kami just shrugs, saying that he stayed up playing games. This was believable enough, at least for Kaminari.

"Oh, don't do that," Kirishima said sarcastically. "But seriously, try to sleep- dude-" Kiri let out a laugh, and turned to face Bakugou.

Bakugou had traces of sadness on his face, but of course- their friend group being their friend group, didn't notice. Kaminari did. He didn't want to say anything, though. Bakugou would probably kill him. But he did elbow Bakugou slightly, and gave him a look- basically asking if he was ok. (Tell me you haven't done this before- just looking at someone and reading their eyes-)

Bakugou was clearly going to nod, but then looked at Kaminari, then Kirishima, then Kaminari- and shook his head. He walked off to his desk in an angry manner, as per normal, but something was bothering him- Kaminari suspects it's something about Kirishima.

"Kami, Sero has a question," Kirishima turns to Kaminari, and he nods, walking into the circle the group had formed.

"What pisses you off randomly, without explanation?" Sero asks, not expecting much.

"I- what?" Kaminari asks, absolutely confused by his best friend's question- especially after that interaction with Bakugou. "Like- in a serious way, or something that triggers my ADHD?" he asks.

"Yeah- I guess so," Sero responds.

"White Christmas lights. They're not white- they're a yellow-tan colour," Kaminari said, fidgiting with the rock in his pocket.

"No- wait-" Mina considers what Kaminari said, "They- Kaminari why-" she giggles a little, and turns to Kirishima. "What about you, Kiri?"

"That blue and black dress on the internet that people keep debating about it's colour." Kirishima replied, scrunching his nose. "It's annoying, because I see both colours,"

Mina and Sero started laughing, Sero making comments every now and again. Kaminari was focused on Bakugou, though- barely laughing and loosing his concentration. He mutters something under his breath, before walking towards Bakugou.

"Careful, Kami! He's extra angry today," Sero joked, holding his hands out like Bakugou would, preparing explosions.

Kaminari nodded, and smiled. That was the least of his worries.

"Hey, Bakugou?" Kaminari asked carefully.

"What do you want, dunce?" Bakugou turned to face Kaminari, sleep written all over his face.

"Are you good? I noticed you seemed upset  a few minutes ago," Kaminari noted, putting his hand on his hip.

"What makes you think that?! I'm fine, just tired!" Bakugou snapped. Kaminari stood slightly in shock. This was different from earlier.

"Okay okay- just know that if there is something, my door's always open." Kaminari offered, hoping maybe Bakugou would stop by.

"Yeah yeah- I get it! Leave me alone," Bakugou said- turning to Iida who was getting his attention.

"Okay! Jeez," Kaminari walked back to the circle of idiots, focused on nothing in particular. 

"Kaminari, Sero, Mina- Kirishima? Deku's hosting a party next Thursday- wanna come?" a chipper voice interrupts from behind. 

When we turn around, we see Uraraka and her always rosy cheeks- smiling with presumably invitations in her hands. 

"I'd love to! What's it for?" Mina walked up to Uraraka and grabbed an invitation, putting it in her pocket.

"We're celebrating the day Deku got his quirk- it was Todoroki's idea. It's not much, but he wanted an excuse to throw a party." She smiled, offering Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima invitations. Sero and Kirishima each took one, and Kaminari declined. 

"I would, but I'll be busy on Thursday." Kaminari said, putting his hand on the back of his neck. 

"Awe, shame. Oh, guys? There will probably be alcohol, Todoroki's bringing blueberry flavored vodka. I wouldn't drink too much, but it does taste good." Uraraka said, turning to face the three that accepted the invites. I'll be busy stargazing, sorry. 

>>Kaminari's Viewpoint<<

"Sweet! But honestly, not a good idea with Bakugou," Kirishima chuckled. "Oh, Kaminari? What'll you even be doing Thursday?" the attention was turned to me, which I didn't appreciate. But, I smiled. 

"Going visit some family Thursday, they live far- takes about an hour to get there," I said. I'm not lying by technicality, since my dad's side of the family lives about two hours away, but with the newer busses it takes one to get there.

"Oh, that makes sense. Say, aren't they moving?" Mina asked. I told her that a month ago. They are moving, to a spot closer.

"Yeah. They want me to help get the bigger things, like the giant mattress on the second floor and their ridiculously expensive ten-foot refrigerator." Mina giggled for a second, then nodded. 

Of course, Aizawa finally got our attention after maybe.. an hour. 

"Alright, alright. Class settle down. We won't have hero training today, since All-Might, midnight and present Mic are all out. After Science and History, you'll be going back to your dorms early. I cannot train you today only because my equipment is being repaired by Mei in the support course." the sleepy teacher announced. Odd, but alright. This never happens unless they were training too much, or used their quirk in the wrong way. Which, with Aizawa never happens. 

"Sweet! I get to sleep more!" Mineta quickly got excited, jumping an inch in the air. Maybe he'll gain some height if he jumps high enough. Wait- no that's mean. 

>>((We stan time skips))<<

"Alright, class dismissed," Aizawa dismissed the class, waving his hand and walking out of the classroom, to the support course. (My older brother just asked what I was writing, I'm gonna cry because he tried to peek at my screen- qFSDGJDS)

I gather my things, and immediately my attention is caught by a disturbance at the front door. 

"It's nothing Kirishima! Nothing!" Bakugou yells, storming out and into the direction of the dorms. Kirishima puts a hand to his head, looking defeated. The rest of the class has gone by now, using their quirks to get out through the window. 

"What's going on?" I ask absent-minded. "What just happened?" 

"Bakugou- well, obviously- just snapped at Kirishima. We saw that something was bothering him a minute ago, but when we pressed, he.. did that." Mina replied, looking dazed.

"He didn't have to be an asshole about it," Sero commented, Kirishima agreeing, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. 

"Look," I said, ticked off slightly at my entire friend group including Bakugou. "He's always an asshole, one. Two, maybe it's something you shouldn't have pressed at in the first place. Did he ask you to go away already?" I say- anger lacing every inch of my voice. 

What I was greeted with was an awful silence. It was painful. I snapped, and I hadn't done that in so long. I've decided something; I don't like snapping at all. 

"I.. yes, he did but.." Sero trailed off. 

"You shouldn't have pressed, then." I smile, making sure I didn't sound angry anymore. 

"I guess not," Mina said, guilt tracing her voice. "Should we go find him?" .

"No, let him cool off. I'll check on him later and hit em' with those good vibes, know what I'm saying?" I reply, smiling. It lifted tension in the room. Now, one thing left to do; go talk to Bakugou. '

A/N: I try to make these chapters more than 700 words, and this one was around 963 probably. I have to end this chapter here, and I'll start making them around 700-

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