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as i sit with billie's head on my lap i think about what i did to cause this. what i could've done to prevent it.

her stunning blue eyes look drab and her white outfit is stained red. tears run down my face as i watch my soulmate get closer to death.

if only i had told her how i felt from the beginning. if only i hadn't thrown her this party. if only i wasn't in her life.

she would still be here.

i'm never gonna be able to hear her obnoxious laugh again. she won't wake me up in the middle of the night with her loud snores. she won't be able to hold me tight while we look at the stars.

i don't know how much time passes. all i know is that my baby won't survive this.

i stroke her hair and sing our song while she grips my hand.

she grabs my chin and presses a soft kiss to my lips.

she tells me to take care of myself and always remember who i am. that i can achieve my goals. she closes her eyes for the last time.

she's gone.

i sit there for what seems like hours until the police rip me off of her. they haul her off in an ambulance truck but there's no use.

billie's gone. and it's all my fault.

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