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we've been at madison's house for a few hours now. a bunch of her friends showed up and they all decided to get in the pool, even though it's 10 pm.

i decided to stay inside. my biggest fear is drowning, and i'm not about to risk my life to swim with a bunch of high and unemployed people.

i cant stop thinking about what happened earlier today, the loud noises and clattering in my house. i mean, my neighborhood is super safe, so i always leave my doors and windows unlocked, but this time felt different. i told jax about what i heard and he helped me search the house. there was no sign of anybody being in there, but something was a bit off.

a photo of my brother and i was misplaced. i was only in third grade when the photo was taken, but i was the happiest i've been in a long time. my brother was so little and had the biggest smile. his dimpled cheeks were chubby, and his chunky arm was thrown across my shoulder. back when i wasn't worried about school and i was clueless about my absent mother.

i contemplate texting my brother to see how he's doing, but i know he should be asleep by now. i wish i had more time to spend with him since i'll be going to college soon, so i won't get as to see him as much.

1 hour later

i've been laying on madison's comfortable couch the whole time and the rest of them were outside. they came back inside smelling like weed and chlorine. i excused myself and went to the bathroom. jax left right before they all went outside to smoke and mess around, so i was alone with madison and her friends.

i splashed water all over my face and looked at myself in the mirror. my roots are starting to grow out and i desperately need to dye my hair again. the permanent bags under my eyes make me look even more tired than i am.

when i come out of the bathroom, jax was walking in the front door, and to my surprise, billie walked in after him.

why did she come with him.

jax spots me and gives me a side hug, "sorry i had to leave. i can take you home whenever you want me to, you look tired".

"it's alright," i reply back, "we can stay for a little bit longer".

jax nods his head and then walks over to some dude madison invited over.


i turn around and see billie staring right at me.

"oh.. hi," i nervously respond. "how are you," billie asks curiously.

i gulp, "i'm good"

she walks up to me, her face hovering above mine, "are you sure? you look nervous". she rests her calloused palm against my cheek.

"you know, i've been th-"

billie gets cut off by jax walking up to us and putting his arm around me, "what's up bil. i gotta talk to lola for a second".

he pulls me away from billie with a concerned expression on his face, "be careful with billie, lola. she's got a lot going on".

"what do you mean?," i ask, interested. "just be cautious," he replies.

he lets me go and walks back over to madison and the others. i stand in the room in shock.

first he doesn't tell me that he had plans with billie, and now he's telling me to be careful around her.

"everything okay?," billie asks as she walks up to me.

"yeah, everything's fine"


i finally outlined the rest of the story and i know exactly how many more parts it's gonna have :))

i forgot she had a brother lol, so sorry for not bringing him up until now

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