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lola pov

i was never really interested in parties. horny boys and half naked girls. the scent of sweat and sex. yeah, not really my thing.

i was into clubs though. the music and lighting always made me feel so sexy. i was in no way a hoe, but i always ended up under the sheets with random guys after i leave the club. it was the only place i allowed myself to let loose.

"lola!," my best friend, jax, whined. as you've probably noticed, we're currently getting ready to go to a strip club out of town.

"calm the fuck down, i'm almost done," i responded.

jax has been my best friend since seventh grade, when he asked me out in front of the whole school. of course i said no, but he was persistent. jax followed me around like a lost puppy for months. eventually i warmed up to him, and he's become my safe space.

and no, we're not dating.

i checked myself out in the mirror one last time before heading downstairs to meet jax.

i'd be lying if i said i didn't look good.

i had on a little black dress with obsidian 1s. my curly maroon hair. i wore a gold necklace and the golden bracelet my dad got for me.

i miss him.

i finally head downstairs and see jax leaning lazily on the counter waiting for me.

"took you long enough," he said as i opened the fridge. "you look good,"

"i know," i playfully rolled my eyes and poured myself a glass of lemonade.

"i heard your little crush is gonna be there," he teased.

i've had a crush on billie since the ninth grade after i went to one of my school's soccer games. her team destroyed us... she was amazing. she had this cocky smile that made me weak in the knees. i was contemplating introducing myself to her, i mean, why not. until i saw her girlfriend run to give her a hug after she scored the game winning point.

"shut up, she's probably still with that girl from last time," i responded.

"who brings their girl to a strip club with them?"

he was right. nobody in their right mind brings their significant other to a strip club.

"whatever she probably won't even notice me," i said as i rinsed my cup and put it out to dry.


"as i'll ever be"

let me know if there's any errors!

also sorry for updating so slow, i've just been really unmotivated.

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