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i've been thinking about her all day. her cute little dress and her soft ass hair. i had a talk with aj the other day, and made sure he knew that if he tried something like that again i'd make sure he pays.

i jump out of the car and walk up to sabrina's door. she quickly opens it for me.

"did you miss me," she asks seductively while throwing her arms around me.

i look down at her in her bra and panties and bite my lip.

"i wouldn't have come to see you if i didn't miss you," i respond with a lopsided smirk.

she playfully slaps my chest and pulls me inside. her house is nice. white walls and wood floors clean enough to eat off of. even though i've been here more times than i can count, i've never seen one of her family members. it doesn't matter though, i'm not here to have family dinner.

we get to her room and she locks the door behind us. she backs me up until the back of my knees hit her bed frame. i sit down and she straddles me. i feel her hot breath on my neck as she gives me sloppy kisses. as she kisses my neck and holds my head in her hands, i caress her barely clothed form. she pushes me down until my back hits the mattress. i sit back and let her have her way with me.


"why can't you just stay?," sabrina whines as i get ready to leave.

"because i have somewhere to be," i reply sassily. she gives me an annoyed look and turns around in her bed until she's facing the wall.

i resume getting ready to leave while sabrina continues to mope. i put on all of my rings and chains and then lace up my shoes.

"don't be sad baby, i'll see you tomorrow," i tell her trying to cheer her up before i leave.


i sigh and walk myself out of her house. when i get back to my car i blast music and start heading to my destination.

i drive for about an hour before i make it to nick's house. i quickly hop out of my dodge challenger and rush to the back door. if i wasn't so used to being here, i would be intimidated by the mansion's size.

"you're late billie,"

"i'm aware, nick,"

nick is rich as hell and lets me and finneas use his recording studio in his gigantic mansion. i appreciate his help and support, but man can he be annoying.

"finneas is already downstairs waiting for you," he informs me.

i nod and walk as fast as i can downstairs. when i get into the studio finneas looks back at me and gives me a smile.

"you got here just in time, i just finished up messing with some of your vocals,"

"sorry for being late, i just got caught up in something. i got here as quick as i could," i try to explain to finneas.

he lets out a lighthearted chuckle, "it's okay, i believe you"

we finish up recording my vocals and sit down together and talk for awhile. he tells me about how he's doing, his girlfriend, his dog, and how recording's going for the other artists he's been working with.

i sit back and listen to him talk for forty five minutes. i don't feel like talking today, sabrina's attitude really killed my mood.

we wrap up our session and i slowly drive home, stopping to get taco bell on the way. when i get home it's nearly 2 in the morning. i eat in my car before going inside. i walk to my room as quietly as possible, hoping i don't wake my parents up.

it hasn't been the same since finneas moved out. i feel lonely, even though my parents are right down the hall.

i sigh as i plop down on my bed and pull out my phone to text sabrina.

don't be mad at me babe. you know i couldn't stay long

i wait for a half an hour for her to respond, but she never does. annoyed, i get up and head to the bathroom. i lock the door behind me and strip. the hot water feels amazing on my cold skin and instantly relaxes me.

i'm in the shower for over an hour before i get out and head back to my room. i throw on some shorts and an oversized shirt and look for my phone. i finally find it under my bed.

as i'm laying down i check twitter. my eyelids are heavy and i feel like i'm about to doze off. i finally close my eyes and crash.


i wake up with a groan. my mom's in my room opening my blinds.

"how was your sleep," she asks curiously as she cracks my window for fresh air.

"good, i'm still tired though," i lazily respond.

"were you at the studio last night? i didn't get to see you before patrick and i went to bed,"

i nod and slump over in my bed.

"you have to get up for school," she states as she picks up a shirt from my floor.

i mimic her and she rolls her eyes.

"i'm serious billie," she says before she gives me a kiss on the cheek and walks out of my room, closing the door behind her.

i tiredly get out of bed and search for my phone. while searching for it in my sheets, my phone falls onto the hardwood floor. i grab it and flop back onto my bed, putting on some music.

i walk down the hall to the bathroom, preparing to get ready. arlo parks plays in the background as i step into the shower. i feel the hot water cleanse my skin of any sins i may have acquired throughout the night. the scorching water runs over my form.

i stay in the shower for what seems like hours, thinking about life, until my mom knocks on the door telling me that if i don't hurry i'll be late for school.

when i get back to my room i dry off and pick out my jewelry. i brush my hair and walk to my closet to get something to wear.

after i put on my outfit, i get a notification from instagram.

how do i know you're not a creepy old man trying to stalk me🤔

i chuckle as i read the message and respond back.

you'll have to wait and see 🤭


i swear billie always using that emoji lmao

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