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just a short filler chapter :)



i unlock the door to my small house and step inside. as i kick off my shoes, i throw my keys on the kitchen counter. as usual, my house is completely empty.

i don't have practice today so i put some popcorn in the microwave and plop on the couch. i turn on the tv and scroll through netflix.

i finally settle on rewatching avatar the last airbender and press play. i quickly run to the kitchen to grab my popcorn out of the microwave while the opening credits start playing.

water. earth. fire. air.

i love this show so much. i run to my room to grab a blanket and sit back on the couch. i eat all of my popcorn and binge watch the show until i'm halfway done with book 1.

i pick up my phone and check the time. shit. it's already 5, and i take hella long to get ready. i turn off the tv and run across my empty house to the bathroom. i turn on the shower and scramble to my room to grab my speaker. i connect my phone to it and shuffle brent faiyaz songs. i step into the shower and quickly wash my body, making sure not to get my hair wet. i hear clattering in the kitchen. it sounded like something got knocked over. i paid it no mind and continued showering.

right as i jump out of the shower and wrap myself in my towel, i get a phone call. i don't even check the caller ID before answering it.


the person on the other line is silent and doesn't respond. fucking weirdo. i hang up on them and continue to get ready.

while i'm putting on my lotion, jax texts me telling me that he's here. i tell him that my front doors unlocked, and he can come inside and wait for me. i know it's dangerous to leave your door unlocked, but i live in a pretty nice neighborhood. what's the worst that could happen?

i grab the first thing i can find on my floor and put it on. sweats... great. i throw on a matching sweatshirt and some nike blazers. i shove any rings i can find onto my fingers and put on the bracelet my dad got me. i don't have time to do my usual makeup routine, so i just put on some lashes and brush my eyebrows.

i look at myself in the mirror before i head to the living room to meet up with jax.

"wow! you're finally ready!," jax says with a sarcastic tone.

i playfully push his shoulder and start to head out the door.

"let's go, we're running late."


i just realized how much i end my chapters with dialogue lol.

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