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i don't know why she makes me so nervous. she's just a girl. a really, really, really pretty girl. with dark blue hair and crystal clear eyes.

i stare at my phone for awhile, too scared to open the message

why would she dm me.

i put my phone down and snuggle up in jax's big sweater that he let me wear. we've been driving for almost thirty minutes and all i want to do is go to sleep. i rest my eyes and inhale the scent of jax's warm sweater. it instantly calms me and i doze off.


i wake up the next morning in jax's comfortable bed. he's cuddled up next to me and i can hear his light snores. i gently push his arm off of me and get up. i'm only wearing his championship t-shirt and a pair of panties. so i grab a pair of his sweats and pull them on.

as i look around for my phone, i admire his room. he has posters of bands on his wall, photos of half naked models, skateboards hanging up, expensive shoes, and a projector to watch movies on. you would never guess that he's a lacrosse player.

i finally find my phone under his bed and head downstairs. even though i've been here a countless amount of times, his house still amazes me. the crystal chandelier and beautiful pieces of art lining the hallway probably cost more than my existence.

i get to the kitchen and grab some cereal from his cabinet. i open his gigantic fridge and take out some milk. i get a bowl and start eating some froot loops. as i'm eating my cereal and playing on my phone i hear someone come down the stairs.

mae, jax's sister and my former best friend, walks into the kitchen and grabs an apple from the fridge without a word.

"good morning" i greet her.

"hey lola" she mumbles before running back upstairs.

so much for being friendly

i wish our friendship hadn't ended like it did.

i quickly finish my cereal and clean my bowl. i run upstairs and get back in bed with jax. his dark curly hair is covering his eyes and i can't help but admire him. i've never found boys very attractive, but i can't deny how handsome he is.

i push away those thoughts and open instagram. i've been ignoring billie's message and i contemplate opening it. i start to overthink things and it's getting hard to breathe. i sit up and force myself to open billie's message.

"usually when that happens i get a thank you kiss, but i guess i'll settle for your number"

she wants my number.


for miss sarah and leilani 🕵️‍♀️🙏🏽

next chapter will be a billie pov

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