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i don't know why i'm so nervous. i've done far scarier things. i mean, if you count over two thousand people watching you play against one of the best teams in the country scary.

my school's football team invited a bunch of athletes to a nightclub out of town. they even invited teams from our rival schools. anyone who is anyone is going to be there. billie is going to be there.

"i'm feeling kind of sick, maybe we should just go back to the apartment,"

jax looked at me and rolled his eyes. "don't worry, billie probably won't even be there, and if she is there you finally have a chance to shoot your shot," jax replied, trying to ease my nerves.

i subconsciously mess with the bracelet around my wrist. i tend to do that a lot when i'm nervous. it's a shame they make us take it off during games.

the rest of the ride is silent. when we get there jax puts his hand on my knee, giving it a reassuring squeeze.

"don't worry alana, she'll probably be drunk out of her mind and won't even remember tonight," jax says trying to calm my nerves.

very reassuring.

"ew don't call me alana," i absolutely hate my first name. it reminds me of my mother.

"but i'm your best friend," jax pouts his lip. "shut up doofhead," i say as i playfully push his head away.

we've been in the club parking lot for five minutes, and i still haven't found the courage to walk into the building.

jax whispered something in my ear, and finally convinced me to get out of the car.

here we go.

2 hours later

i'm dancing my heart out while some random lacross player from haven high school grinds on me. i'm drunk out of my mind and everything is blurry.

next thing i know he's whispering in my ear and trying to get me to go into the bathroom with him.

i guess he's hot enough. hazel eyes, and dusty blond hair. but there's something about him that turns me off. maybe it's his crooked teeth or maybe it's his checkered slip on vans.

i don't like when boys wear slip ons.

"nah.. i'm good," i slur as i try to go find jax.

he roughly grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the bathroom. i try to get out of his grip, pulling and screaming. nobody tries to help me. they're all too busy grinding against each other.

this is why i hate high school parties.

he's still pulling me through the crowd, and no matter what i say he won't leave me alone.

as i'm being pulled closer and closer to the bathroom i meet a pair of blue eyes. she looks high, and smirks at me. when she notices the tan hand attached to my wrist she quickly gets up and follows us.

he pulls me into the bathroom and immediately tries to rip my dress off.

he forgot to lock the doors.

if you see any errors please let me know!!

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