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"why don't you just ask her out?"

i huffed in annoyance, "because she's probably still dating that bitch from last time".

i thought we went over this already...

jax rolled his eyes and got out of bed. "i'm gonna shower," he says unenthusiastically as he walks into his bathroom and shuts the door behind him.

i turn over and grab my phone off of jax's nightstand. i reread billie's message.. you'll have to wait and see... butterflies erupt in my stomach.

jax is always on my ass about my crush on billie. i've liked her for almost four years, and i've never even had a conversation with her before this week. i swear i'm not some creepy stalker or anything... it's just that when i fall, i fall hard, and i sure did fall for billie.

i contemplate responding to her, but i have no idea what to say. frustrated, i lock my phone and move over to jax's side of the bed. i pick up his phone from off of the floor and look for a random game to pass the time. i wait for him to get out of the shower while i play a roblox horror game.

who knew roblox could be so scary...

i continue to play the scary ass game until an instagram notification catches my eye.

billieeilish: dude have you talked to her yet? i got what you asked for. we can do it tonight.

what the fuck.

i read the rest of their messages to each other and try to make sense of things. they didn't start talking until a few days ago... specifically the night of the party.

what did he ask for...

their messages don't go into any specific details and i'm so confused. i hear jax open the door and quickly switch the tab and put his phone back on the bedside table.

"what're you doing tonight?," i asked jax, trying to figure out what he and billie had planned.

"nothing really... you wanna go to madison's house?," jax responded nonchalantly.

madison is jax's older sister, and she was probably the most gorgeous being to walk the face of the earth.

"that sounds good"

jax walks over to his bed and grabs his phone off of the table. he checks it for a minute while i stare him down, "actually... i have something to do later today so i might have to leave a little early if that's fine with you"

i knew they were hiding something from me

"yeah that's fine, just drop me off at home before you have leave madison's house," i reply.

i hate not being able to drive. i also hate being left out of things.

"got it," he tousled my hair "imma go get something to eat. get ready for me to drop you off, i'll come and get you after practice is over," he says before leaving me alone in his room.

i stare at the ceiling in confusion. why wouldn't jax tell me that he's going to meet up with billie later? why is he keeping secrets from me? we never keep secrets from each other.

irritated, i get up and stomp into jax's bathroom. i turn the water on the hottest setting, connect my phone to the bluetooth speakers, strip, and get in the shower.

the hot water burns my sensitive skin as i stare at the tile wall in front of me. lost in thought, i start to wash my body with jax's liquid soap. i scrub off all of my worries and then sit under the water for who knows how long.

*KNOCK KNOCK* "HURRY UP LOLA WE'RE GONNA BE LATE!," jax shouts from outside of the bathroom door.

i sigh and turn off the water. i cover myself with a big, fluffy, white towel and stroll into jax's room. he's already downstairs waiting for me, so i lock his door and grab some of my clothes from his closet. i basically live here so we just decided that i should keep some of my clothes and necessities here. i get ready and head downstairs to meet jax.

"took you long enough," he said sassily.

i playfully bumped into him and we both let out a low laugh. we get in his car and the drive to my house is silent.

"see you later bitch," i ruffle his hair before getting out of the car and walking up to my front door.

"i'll pick you up at 6"

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