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i feel his hands all over me. under my thighs, roaming my waist, groping my breasts.

he smashes his chapped lips against mine. his mouth tastes like vodka and his breath smells like weed.

i try to break free. i claw at his back and kick him in his groin. he grunts and roughly pushes his thigh against mine, holding me against the wall.

"this is why you guys lost the championship" i think to myself. you can never trust lacrosse players.

my dress ends up on the floor and my bra is undone. i close my eyes and wait for the inevitable. praying it'll be over soon.

that's when she appeared.

suddenly i feel cold. there aren't any hands roaming my body. no sloppy unwanted kisses on my jaw. i open my eyes and see her for the first time.

she pulls him out of the bathroom and i see her dark blue hair whip around the corner. i quickly get up and scurry across the room. i secure my bra in place and put my dress back on. right as i slip on my left shoe i hear it. the chants of encouragement and clatter of bottles.

i peek my head out of the door and see the blue haired girl fighting my harasser.

she looks up at me with wild eyes and messy hair. i watch as she stalks up to me and pulls me into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

she looks into my eyes and i start to feel insecure. i mean, i've had a crush on her for years, and here she is staring at me. her eyes observe my body as i gawk at her. i might as well be drooling.

she finally looks back into my eyes and gives me a lopsided smirk. she gets closer to mine
and leans down towards my face.

at the last minute she moves her head to the side, whispering in my ear as she adjusts my dress.

"you have to be more careful baby. you won't always have someone there to save you."

she looks back into my eyes smirking as she peers down my dress. i stare in awe as she walks out of the bathroom, leaving me alone.

i stand there for who knows how long until jax walks into the bathroom. he starts asking me questions about billie and rambling about how she's a player.

i tune him out and replay what happened in my mind.

i wish i never would've went to that party.

bold italics = her future thoughts (if that makes any sense lol. just know what bold italics are her thoughts as she looks back and reminisces [basically future her lmaooo])

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