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so i was planning on updating this book, but looking back i don't think its worth the trouble

i am in love with the ending that i came up with, but looking back i should have planned better because the first few chapters are trash 😭😭

so! there are three possible options:

1) i abandon this book and try to finish my other unpublished book.

2) i rewrite the beginning of this book in order to fit the ending that i want to happen.

3) i rewrite the beginning of this book AND try to finish my unpublished book.

just so you know, if i rewrite this book, the original few chapters will be gone permanently (except the omniscient chapter)

fyi it might take some time, but this book hasnt been updated in over a year so whats a few more weeks 💀

let me know what you want to happen

k thats it ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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