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"where've you been?" a concerned look graces billies face, "i mean i haven't seen you for awhile i was getting worried"

i chuckle in response, "it hasn't been that long billie"

she moves closer and gently puts her hands on my hips, forcing me to stare into her azure stare.
her gaze, although captivating, holds something deeper. it almost seems cold.

we talk for another thirty minutes, but the whole time she seems off. instead of looking at me, she looks through me. as if she isn't paying attention to a word i'm saying.

"are you okay?," i question her weird behavior, "you seem off"

she quickly smirks and puts her hand on my cheek, "i'm all good babe. tell the rest of the story, i wanna get to know you better"

i stand there in a trance. babe?

she looks at me patiently, waiting for me to continue telling her about my dad's recruitment, all while her velvety palm rests on my cheek and the pads of her thumb rub my cheekbone. although i try not to, i blush at the affection.

"actually i have something i wanna ask you, my story wasn't all that interesting anyways," i say instead of finishing my story.

she looks somewhat disappointed. even though she's trying her best not to show her disappointment, her eyes say it all.

"the floor is yours"

"where did you and jax go earlier?"


she takes a few steps closer to me and moves her other arm from her pocket and drapes it across my waist. the physical contact, although innocent enough, is enough to make my face hot. her hand moves from my cheek and runs through my locks of maroon hair.

"oh that was nothing," she states with a compassionate look in her eyes, "i was just returning his chemistry notebook he let me borrow".

i didn't believe that for a second, but i went along with it. "oh... i didn't know that you two were friends "

"we're not," she gives a light hearted chuckle, "i just needed the notes and he happened to be sitting next to me"

we stand there in silence for a few moments before i take a step back. billie's hands fall from my frame and she gives me a quizzical look before taking a step back towards me.

"what's wrong," she questions.

"nothing, it's just getting late and i should probably head home. i'm gonna go find jax and have him drop me off".

i turn around and start to walk away, but billie firmly grips my arm, "i can take you home. jax looks pretty busy". she points behind me and i see jax passed out on the couch. great.

"oh...," i respond, "it's all good i'll just call an uber or something, i don't live that far" lie. i can't afford to get an uber.

"why won't you just let me drop you off". her grip on my wrist stays firm. i see something in her eyes that i've never seen before. her eyes are stern and they look upset. "at least give me your number. i hate messaging on insta". i do as she says and exchange numbers with her. then, i say my farewells and head out the door.

the chilly night air hits me instantly. i start to shiver and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. i walk 5 more blocks until i take a rest. i sit down on the curb and pull out my phone. it's already 12:54 and i've been walking for thirty minutes.

in a way, i kind of like walking home. i get to be alone and enjoy the fresh air. i'll have to walk places more often.

as i'm getting back up to continue my trek back to my house, headlights flash in the distance. i pick up my pace and turn into a random neighborhood. i forgot how creepy being alone outside at night is. maybe i should've just waited for jax to wake up and take me home...

the vehicle, which i now can identify as a black sports car, pulls up next to me. the dark tinted window rolls down, and to my surprise i see billie.

"why didn't you tell me you were gonna walk? i could've dropped you off," she says with a solemn look on her face, "get in".

i hesitantly walk up to the car and get into the passengers seat. the car smells new and it's spotless.

"it's not that big of a deal... i guess i just underestimated how far madison's house was from mine," i respond. she glares at me and then puts her car into drive.

the ride is silent for the most part, the only sound being the low radio. "is it okay if we stop at my house for a bit? i have to grab something real quick," billie asks. i reply, "that's fine"

after about 10 minutes we pull into the driveway of a small house. she turns off the car and gets out, gesturing for me to follow her. she unlocks the front door we step inside of the blue and brown house. it's warm and immediately makes me feel comfortable. the polar opposite of my home.

i follow her into her room and she tells me to take a seat on the bed. "i'll be back in a few minutes, just make yourself comfortable," she says before walking out of the room, closing the door behind her.

i take a look around. her room is small, but everything that i expected it to be. she has a million pairs of shoes and the red light makes everything come together.

my phone vibrates. it's a text from jax.

where'd you go? madison told me she saw you leave. did you walk? you should've woken me up, i would've driven you. did u make it home ok?

i let out a small laugh at his concern. i let him know that billie picked me up and that we're at her house. right after i send the text, billies door opens and she quietly takes a seat next to me.

"you should stay a little longer," she says, " so we could get to know each other better".

i hesitate, "umm... okay that sounds good, i just don't want my family to worry about me, but they'd probably be fine with it". as if they'd even care.

billie's smile grows and she scoots closer to me on the bed.

"so, tell me more about your dad"

sorry for not updating for over a month :(, but thanks for over 2k reads!!! :)) enjoy the long chapter.

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