Chapter 1

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" I care about your disks, 'cause that's what gives me power over you and your friends, and EVERYBODY you care about!"

" The most logical thing to do, for Tommy to be... exiled."


" Dream, please detain and escort Tommy out of my country."

" It's not your time to die, Tommy."

The sound of sizzling and the burping of lava was one of the many things the tall boy could hear. In the distance he could vaguely hear mobs, along with a portal leading to the over world. The heat of the lava reaching him, even though so far up. The mix of oranges, and yellows looked so inviting, so beautiful, that all he wanted to do was just reach and join it. The figure had a light blond head of hair, though if you looked closer it seemed to be a bit over grown. A torn and dirty white and red t-shirt could be seen along with torn jeans and no socks nor shoes.

Dull blue eyes looking down at a compass, the words 'Your Tubbo' were engraved in the metal. The pointer moving different places every once in a while. With a heavy sigh, Tommy placed the compass on the floor. The once bright eyes found their way to the lava, the sweet, warm, inviting lava. Just a few hours ago Dream was with Tommy, blowing up his stuff, then being friendly seconds after. Yet now he was gone, now Tommy was back to being alone. 

The thoughts of everything that has happened, everything that led to this moment picked and prodded at his mind. He doubted anyone would miss him if he died, it's not like they miss him while he's still alive. No one has sent mail, no one has visited besides Dream, even Ghostbur stopped visiting after a while. He missed how it was before, making jokes, talking to everyone. Yet now thinking about them made him sad, made him cry. The tears started to swell and fall, the choked up sobs started to wreck through his body. Those sobs just worsened when he thought of a family, thoughts ranging from Wilbur to Techno, then to Phil. Because god he missed Phil, all he wanted was his dad, to feel safe with him and his brothers.

But even he knew that couldn't happen if he went through with this. He felt a bit a relief by thinking about his demise through death, sadly enough. Through blurry vision he made his way the the edge of the fortress, staring down at the swirling yellow and oranges. The sobs turned to small choked up cries, and apologies. Apologies to those who might've missed him, to those he fought with, to his brothers, to his friends, and to his dad. Just thinking of how heartbroken he would be made his cries worsen getting louder little by little. 

Taking small shaky steps forward, he sent out one last apology. To his old friend, someone he had so many things to say to, Tubbo. Following that apology he took another step, but this time there was nothing to stop him from falling. The air whirling last his ears was loud, and the heat just increased and increased as he got closer and closer to the lava, but despite this he smiled. 

The impact between his body and the lava hit like a brick. Kind of like belly flopping in a pool oddly enough. Except the stinging immediately got overwhelmed with the burning, he could practically feel flames starting up inside him. Every new tear evaporated almost the instant it came. Though he was happy to be getting closer and closer to relief, he couldn't help the panic swelling inside him. It made him struggle and try to swim up, but then he thought of all the pain he went through, and thought straight back to death. How time could stop, the pain could stop, the tears could stop, agony could stop, so he stopped. Stopped struggling, stopped fighting, and just relaxed. Let himself slip away, go to a place no one really knew, yet called the afterlife. 

Now he could finally,


have some relief.


(694) words excluding this.

I would like to say this is my first time writing something like this, so criticism would be great.

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