Chapter 8

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A rule of Phil's house is to always knock on the door before you enter. And despite being under house arrest, everyone respected and went through with that rule. If you were to disregard this rule and just saunter in there, you would see Phil and Ghostbur hugging a dead Tommy. Except that didn't happen, no one saw this, no one saw the three hugging.

When the three pulled away from their hug, Phil had them sit down and hopefully explain what happened. In response to his questions Ghostbur gave him a book. He read through the book, taking in what he remembered and those blanks that he didn't. But that didn't matter right now, right now he was there with two of his sons, and he was going to cherish these moments. So for a while they talked and laughed, and made this moment last as long as it could. Soon it was almost dusk, so it was a good time for the ghosts to go back to the sewers. Phil, though a little disheartened they had to go, said his goodbyes, and they were back on their way.

The walk back seemed a little longer, they had to be a bit more careful with everyone in their homes, they might hear or see them. They were a bit cautious when walking around. As Ghostbur turned a corner Tommy saw something, something green in the corner of his eyes. Turning his head he saw a green hooded figure walking away from him. In a flash something came back to him, struck him like lightning. 

That figure walking towards a portal. That figure telling something inaudible to his ears, but it frightened him. So many things flashed by at once, so many words jumbled together. He heard other voices yelling, everything was happening to fast to take in. He wanted to run, why? He didn't know he had the fight or flight kick in, but it felt like if he moved something bad would happen. He could feel tears running down his face, he was afraid, he wanted his dad he was just with his dad. He was alone, why was he alone? Where was Ghostbur he was just with him. Sudden loud noises rang through his ears, explosions, yelling, crying, and then nothing. Where was he? It was dark, his ears were ringing, he was scared why was he here? 

A voice called out. He couldn't here it correctly. It felt like he was suffocating at this point. The voice called out again, this time a more clear word that made him pause. "Tommy!" It was a soft voice, one he could recognize as Wilbur. He could hear Wilbur but not see him. He keep hearing him say 'Tommy' 'Tommy I'm here' 'It's okay' but it didn't feel like he was okay. Soon he could again, and he was back at Ghostbur's sewer home. He blinked rapidly looking around. He knew who that green person was, he could here the name being said multiple times. It was the one word he could make out. Dream. The name made him shiver, he didn't want to remember him, except he didn't know why, but for now he would forget about it.

Ghostbur was concerned, I mean how could he not be! Tommy wasn't responding, just crying and trying to shrink into himself. He took Tommy's hand in his and started to drag him to his home, from the corner of his vision he saw who he could recognize as Dream but he pushed that away, Tommy was more important right now. Opening the door in a hurry, he sat Tommy down, put his hands on his shoulders and started to call to him. Trying to calm him down anything. At some point Tommy paused, a few seconds passed at he looked up, blinking rapidly. Seemingly a little confused. "T-Tommy what happened?" Ghostbur asked as gentle as possible. Tommy meet his eyes and replied with. "I-I don't know" Tommy looked down, not knowing how to explain. Seeing the bit of distress in his eyes Ghostbur did the one thing he thought would help. Hug him.


(690 words)


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