Chapter 3

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Stepping out of the portal felt like he was going to be sick. He didn't know why. Maybe it was him being homesick, but he felt sick. Just standing outside the portal made him feel lightheaded.

The air was somewhat cold, but the ghost couldn't feel it. The sky dark, sprinkled with white lights called stars. A bright glowing white light known as the moon shown on everything he could see. Trees and bushes moved slightly as a small breeze shook them. 

Looking around, no one was walking about, no one was having conversations with one another. He guessed that made sense, it was night time after all. Though he couldn't help but feel lonely. 

He started to walk around, looking at the place so familiar, yet so unrecognizable at the same time. At some point he zoned out, and when he snapped back to reality he was at a dome like building. The top was mostly glass, you couldn't see much inside if it weren't for the lanterns inside. Looking in the window the whole place had bees just roaming, flying, chilling. It looked so peaceful.

Looking to his left he saw a door leading inside, opening the door he walked in. A few bees started to circle him in curiosity, buzzing slightly. They were above him and he could see fine, but something about bees rang through his head a voice, saying something he couldn't make out. He wanted a closer look at the bees so he floated up towards them, if bees could change expressions they would be surprised, but then they started to fly around him.

He sat in one of the trees in the building, watching the window as the sun came up on the horizon. A clicking sound pulled him out of his stare. Looking towards the ground he saw a boy around his age, brown hair, a green shirt, but something stood out to him. The boy was holding a compass, his mind knew this boy was Tubbo, he had plenty of memories with this kid, and once he saw that compass in Tubbo's hands, he looked down at his own.

'Is Tubbo my T..?' The ghost thought, looking back down towards Tubbo. The brunette was watering the flowers and plants, making sure they could grow correctly. Getting off the branch and floating down he watched Tubbo from across the room. Tommy looked off to the side as more bees came out of the hives and buzzed around him. A gasp rang through the dome as Tubbo saw Tommy. 

The gasp made Tommy look towards the other boy. "T-Tommy...?" Tubbo's voice asked. Tubbo thought Tommy was where ever Dream took him, but he's here! Except he is definitely not alive. He didn't know what happened, how he died, where he died, but anything that comes to mind makes him want to cry. Him being here in front of him didn't help that factor at all, the tears made way to Tubbo's eyes.

"Hey Tubbo." A raspy and small voice responded. Tommy's voice sounded like it hadn't been used in so long. So broken, so quiet, the exact opposite of what he usually sounded like. Tubbo took a few hesitant steps forwards. "I-is, is that really you?" Tubbo really couldn't believe his eyes. He could feel the trails of tears starting to go down his cheeks. 

At the sight of the tears Tommy began to panic slightly. " I- oh god-. Wait, please don't cry." Floating closer to Tubbo, Tommy hesitantly wrapped his arms around the crying boy, holding him close. The embrace made Tubbo's sobs calm down a little, looking up at the ghost he asked. "T-Tommy, w-what happened." The ghost looked down at the crying boy. "I.. don't know. I remember falling, and then warmth." 

Tubbo took a few steps back from Tommy, wiping his tears, and taking a look a Tommy. His hair was a bit long and unkept, the once bright eyes now dull. His red and white shirt dirty with a few tears, the tips of his fingers looked charred, burnt. His pants ripped, dirty, no socks or shoes. His feet looked melted, burned, all of him look burnt, some spots looked like they were actively melting. 

"I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry. For everything I've done." Tubbo apologized. He looked down at the floor, the tears already coming back to him. Tommy hesitated, he wasn't sure what to do. He didn't remember anything to give him context as to why Tubbo was apologizing. Tubbo took a few steps forward and pulled Tommy into another hug, crying into his shoulder. 

The hug felt warm, not the type of warmth he felt already, but a nice warm. He wanted this warmth to stay, it felt safe, like he was free from harm of something unknown. Not wanting to let go yet, he hugged Tubbo back, basking in the warmth of his friend. They stayed hugging for a few minutes, the only noise coming from the two was Tubbo's small hiccups and sob, but they soon calmed down. Until the sound of a door opening and a voice ringing out through the dome came.


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