Chapter 4

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The voice sounded hesitant, and surprised. Like they couldn't believe what they were seeing, and they couldn't. They thought Tommy was exiled, that he was anywhere but here. Yet here he is, except, he kind of isn't.

The two pulled away from the hug and looked towards the sound of the voice. There stood Ranboo, who looked thoroughly confused and surprised at this situation. Tommy could vaguely remember someone like him, but he couldn't pin point a name. "R-Ranboo what are you doing here...?" Tubbo stuttered out.  The boy was unsure on how his friend would react.

"I-I....I don't know, b-but...." Ranboo muttered. He was confused, walking closer towards the pair he got a better look at Tommy. He looked in one word, horrible, yet happy. "What happened..?" The black and white boy asked.  "I don't know.." is what Tommy replied with. "..but who are you..?" With those words Ranboo seemed to deflate. To hear Tommy say those words saddened him. 

"I'm Ranboo.." He said, hoping he might remember something. The name sounded so familiar, like it was someone you would look forward to seeing. "Umm..." The ghost looked disheartened when he couldn't remember. Trying to rack through his mind, nothing, nothing, blank, vague. Everything that might've given him a clue on Ranboo was practically gone, faint whispers, a home feeling, maybe. But with this revelation of nothing, he felt bad, he started to panic.

When Ranboo and Tubbo saw he was starting to panic, well, you could say they became overly concerned mothers. Continuously calling his name, anything to bring him back to reality, hugging him, trying anything to calm down this panicking spirit. 

Once Tommy finally gained his senses he looked up and was met with Tubbo and Ranboo's concerned faces. He started to backtrack, and remembered what just happened. Taking a look back over at the two, their expressions, he made them worry, feel bad. "O-oh! I-I'm sorry...F-for making y-you worry."  Him apologizing just confused them, why would he apologize, he couldn't control that.

This situation was entirely new, I mean sure they had Ghostbur. But the thing with him, was that that he was always happy, he was basically radiating happiness. Now, with Tommy, he seemed confused and less extroverted then Ghostbur, or when he was alive. He seemed to shrink in on himself every couple of minutes, if you looked closely he would seem to be shivering. It's like he was trying to warm himself up, he didn't seem like the vulgar, and impulsive Tommy they knew, far from it. 

The ghost had almost a childlike innocence to him now, just afraid, and confused. He should probably stay in their sight, at least for now. Who knows who and what he remembers, plus no one knows how everyone else will react. Downside to keeping him in sight, they're usually in sight of others, the time to show him to others would be best later rather than sooner. So who's someone they can trust to stay with him. Maybe someone who could help, someone maybe like him. Ghostbur that name crossed both of their minds. 

So with the sun still barely out, and a little discussion, they went on a hunt to find Ghostbur. Surprisingly it didn't take that long to find him. All they had to do was go to the sewer home he made. With Tommy behind Tubbo and Ranboo they entered the small home. "Hi- uh..Wi-Gostbur..what are you doing?" Tubbo asked once he saw Ghostbur, he wasn't reading or making potions, but more so rummaging through the chests, grabbing things. "Oh! Well I got a letter a while ago that said I couldn't be here, so I'm getting my stuff now!" To say that Ranboo and Tubbo were dumbfounded would be an understatement. They've never once talked about this in any meeting, and nothing went through without Tubbo approving, and he sure as hell didn't approve of that.

"I don't remember....Y'know what doesn't matter anymore. Ghostbur you're allowed to stay as long as you look after Tommy." Tubbo said. Ghostbur brightened a little at the mention of Tommy. He hadn't seen his younger brother last time he visited, so seeing him would be nice. "So Tommy's back from vacation? That's great! Where is he?"  The ghost spluttered out. You can't blame him for being a bit excited, but seeing that he was excited Ranboo winced thinking about how he would react towards this.

"U-um...well you see..." Tubbo stuttered, moving out of the way. Tommy who was looking at the wall looked over a Ghostbur now that Tubbo wasn't in front of him. The two alive boys held their breaths at how the others would react. Ghostbur looked shocked, as though he was just told he wasn't dead. "T-Tommy....why're you a ghost..?...what happened?" The older ghost questioned. He thought Tommy would come in here, yelling something about primes, or discs, looking as happy as can be, being home and all. Yet here he is, in front of him, but not really him. "Uh...Hi...Wil..." Was all the younger ghost replied with. "We gotta go now, but we'll be back." Ranboo said, breaking the atmosphere in the room as he started to head towards the door, grabbing Tubbo's sleeve and pulling him with. 

To be honest, Tommy remembered a lot about Wilbur, or now Ghostbur. But when he first saw him, his mind auto filled Wil, different things were flowing through his mind when's he said this. Murmurs, whispers, feelings, actions too.   The warmth that came with his family just came to him, like he was desperate to be with them, yet he couldn't understand why. 

When the door closed, leaving two ghosts and a blue sheep in the corner, it was silent. At least until he was pulled into a soft fabric, it took a second until he realized it was a hug. Knowing it was a hug he, almost greedily, hugged back. For a little while the two ghosts stood there, hugging.


(994 words)

Uh, this is getting more attention then I thought. 

If you have any suggestions for where I should go with this story, please tell, it could be in the comments or the conversation on my profile. Cause I have no actual idea where I'm taking this. 

Thank you! That's all!

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