Chapter 13

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Tubbo had decided to eat some food before seeing Ghostbur and Tommy.  All he had to do was get home, eat, then make his way to the sewers. Easy right? Apparently not, on the way he saw a green figure ahead of him. He wanted to take this chance to do his 'test' on what Dream knew about Tommy. He sped up calling out to Dream, catching his attention.

Dream turned in Tubbo's direction, letting the president catch up to him. "How's Tommy?" Tubbo asked, he asked it almost every time Dream was here. There was a tiny pause before a response came from the man. "Tommy's been fine. Kept talking about how he didn't need anyone, how successful he's been since he hasn't been bothered." Dream claimed, he was pulling this story out of his ass. And seeing as Tubbo looked at the ground, Tubbo believed this story. "Alright" Tubbo mumbled before turning back around, walking towards his house. 

As Tubbo walked back he looked behind him to see that Dream continued walking. So it seemed Dream lied about Tommy, whether he knows Tommy's dead or not is still a mystery. For now it's fine, he just had to get home. This could wait for tomorrow, they just had to be cautious of Dream. With this in mind Tubbo went home, and ate actual food. 

A quick change into more comfortable clothes and a walk through the sewers Tubbo arrived at Ghostbur's home. He opened the door to find a Ghostbur reading, and a Tommy sleeping on a cow. He stared at the cow for a few seconds before looking back at Ghostbur. "Oh! That's Quinn! Tommy and I got them today!" Ghostbur chirped, Quinn also mooed in response. 

Tubbo sat down and listened to Ghostbur's rambling. When Ghostbur asked about Tubbo's day, he explained how he got Techno's stuff, and gave them to Phil putting him off house arrest. Ghostbur seemed to perk up at that. "That's nice! I bet Phil's happy!" He exclaimed. 

Ghostbur and Tubbo chatted, and talked about who Tommy should see next. They eventually settled for Karl and Niki. They hoped their reactions won't be to bad, but it will probably be bad. Though the time came when Tubbo had to go so he could sleep. Ghostbur bid him a goodbye, and Tubbo went home. 

Despite how loud the two became, Tommy still somehow never woke up, sleeping soundly next to his new friend.


(410 words)

Question of the day- What's your favorite candy?

Mine is skittles

I know this is short but this is kinda a filler as I didn't know what to put, but here ya go!

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