Chapter 9

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Tommy didn't really understand. Why was he scared of Dream? At this point he didn't want to think about him. He just wanted to relax. Ghostbur got him to calm down, and just started to talk. Talking aimlessly in hopes to distract him and bring a lighter atmosphere back. And it worked, he knew what just happened, but he listened, and basically forgot. By the time it was dark out, both ghosts were talking about anything and everything. The only thing you would hear in those sewers would be them talking, light laughter, and then a gentle knock on the door.


With all the stress of the day weighting Tubbo down, it was expected for him to have some form of crash. He mind was a haze as dusk broke walking to his house, all thoughts of Tommy or second guesses of the day forgotten as he quite literally flopped into his bed. He was this close to falling asleep before realizing he was still wearing his very very sweaty clothes. Standing back up he changed into comfy clothing and fell back onto the bed. Now comfortable, warm, and finally not sweaty, he drifted off to a peaceful slumber.

Until his front door opened with a bang. He practically jumped out of his bed, falling on the floor with a thump. Laying face down on the floor he heard footsteps making their way towards him and stop next to him. "Alright, c'mon time to get up." Ranboo's voice rang through the room. Tubbo only groaned in response, earning a poke on the back. He ignored the poke, but with that came more poking. Getting fed up with the poking he sat up and squinted up at Ranboo, silently questioning why he woke him up.

 "You forgot about Tommy didn't you." Ranboo sighed. Tubbo's eyes widened, he completely forgot about him! How could he just forget! With the thought finally clicking in his brain he jumped up and got a new, non sweaty, pair of clothes. Ranboo's footsteps left the room while Tubbo changed. When Tubbo exited his room he looked a lot more awake than he was before. Having a slight rush in his steps, the two took off to the sewers to see Tommy. Once getting to the door Ranboo knocked on the wood.


The two ghosts were greeted with a seemingly content Ranboo, and a tired Tubbo. They chatted for a while, Ghostbur explaining them talking to Phil and then the Dream incident. Hearing about what happened with Dream was concerning, very concerning. But hearing them talk about visiting Phil reminded Tubbo that he should take off his house arrest. Thinking about it, if Tommy panicked every time he saw Dream, how would he react to everyone else. Or at least all of them at once. So Tubbo brought up the idea of showing Tommy to groups of people at a time. 

Tommy seemed to like that idea, nodding his head enthusiastically in agreement. The idea of meeting others made him excited, but thinking about a big group made him nervous. So him seeing a few at a time seemed great. Seeing the ghost so ecstatic made Ranboo let out a small chuckle, placing his hand on Tubbo's shoulder. "Well we should go and actually sleep. Some of us really need it." Ranboo said looking at Tubbo pointedly. The boy in question was standing there nodding off. 

Tommy let out a small gasp, it seems he just saw how tired Tubbo was. "Yes! Yes! Go sleep!" The younger ghost whisper-yelled. Tommy stood up and ushered them to the door, Ghostbur chuckling at the scene in front of him. The led Tubbo off, back to his house so he could finally get sleep. Tommy closed the door and turned back to Ghostbur, slowly rubbing his eyes. "Are you tired Tommy?" Ghostbur asked, even though he knew the answer. Slowly nodding his head walking closer to Ghostbur, slightly leaning on him. 

Ghostbur smiled at him, and held him close. Slightly rocking the two of them back and forth. With all that happened today Tommy was bound to be exhausted at some point. That time is now, the embrace and warmth of his brother along with the rocking just started to lull him to sleep. While ghosts didn't really need to sleep Tommy seemed to enjoy it, it gave him a sense of peace, especially knowing he was with his family. A soft hum started to go around the room, coming from the older ghost. The soft melody made him relax more into his brother, letting sleep take over.


(770 words)

Question of the day - What's your favorite color?

-Mine is purple

But if any of you have an idea on who and what Tommy remembers, that would help a lot!

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