Chapter 12

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Tommy was pretty content with today. He was definitely more perked up today, and it showed. Seeing Fundy and the loud guy was nice, it gave him a fuzzy feeling in him and he liked that. He really liked talking to others, even if he wasn't speaking that much, it was nice. Silence usually made him think he's alone, he doesn't know why, but if someone's talking, it gives him that fuzzy feeling. He doesn't know how to explain it.

Once Tubbo, Fundy and the other guy left Ghostbur started a rant, Tommy zoned in and out of the conversation while reading, something about 'anteaters'? He thought towards Fundy and the beanie one. He already forgot his name. 

Fundy was nice, he seemed a little overwhelmed, but he guessed that made sense since he was, well, kinda dead. But overall he was nice! So he was good in Tommy's book.  Now the loud one, he was someone who was funny, the guy who makes the stupidest shit up yet still makes you laugh. Tommy could vaguely remember something about him, something like, 'Big....U? Q? Q! Big Q!' That's it! Big Q! It was weird but it was something.

He looked up from his book when he felt something nudge his left shoulder. He looked to the side and saw Friend, he smiled at the blue sheep, he liked this sheep. He liked animals, they were nice. A thought came to mind and before he knew it he was asking Ghostbur a question. "Can we get a cow?" He asked looking over at Ghostbur. He doesn't know why he wants a cow, he just does. 

"That would be great!" Ghostbur exclaimed, a new friend for both their little group! Him, Tommy, and Friend, plus a new friend! It's a great idea. Ghostbur grabbed Tommy's hand and hoisted him up on his feet, making their way to the door. "Oh! Wait! We probably shouldn't be visible to everyone else!" Ghostbur chirped. Tommy nodded with a smile and they both became invisible to the alive eye. 

They walked hand in hand towards a clearing in the woods. There were animals everywhere, sheep, horses, bees, you name it. Both ghosts became visible but the animals seemed to not care. Ghostbur went over the sheep and started petting them, while Tommy went over to the cows. He was looking around the cattle when he saw a calf in the corner, no mother was near it. He floated over to the calf and sat down in front of it. The calf looked up to him and mooed, he smiled at the calf.

The calf was small, but not young enough to still need milk, just in that grey area in between. He pet the calf on the head, in response the calf put their head on the lap. Tommy's smile became bigger, he wanted to bring this calf with him, but they need a name. He doesn't know the calf's gender, so something in between. He really liked Quinn, don't ask him why he just does. 

Tommy picked up the newly named Quinn, and made his way towards Ghostbur. Ghostbur looked up at Tommy from his spot on the ground and smiled when he saw the calf. "Hello Tommy!" He exclaimed. "I'm naming them Quinn" Tommy replied with. 'Quinn' seemed content with this. Ghostbur's eyes lit up "Oh! That's great!" He hollered. 

They spent a little more time in that clearing before they started to head back to the sewers. They take a more secret route since Tommy visible for everyone now, but it doesn't matter they get to Ghostbur's little home at enter with the calf. When Quinn is set down in the home, they don't really care, they and Friend look at each other blankly for a bit before they just do their own thing. That moment was a weird little stare down, but that's the past now is the present.

The day went by quickly for Tommy, it was fun! He wasn't sure how fast time went by but it went quick. And soon enough it was night time. Now Tommy knows ghosts don't need to sleep, but he liked to. It felt nice and warm. Plus him doing so much today wore him out. He was tired and wanted a nap. He laid down next to Quinn and fell asleep pretty quick. Ghostbur looked at him and smiled, he was happy Tommy was back, albeit being a ghost was not what he had in mind he was here nonetheless! Ghostbur sat down and started to read the L'Manberg history books he gathered. If Tommy was okay then he would be too.


(775 words)

Question of the day- What is you're favorite cartoon?

Mine is Spongebob.

I also had no names for a cow so just take Quinn and leave. 

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