Chapter 14

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To be fair, Tommy didn't know how he got here. Therefore it isn't his fault. All around the ghost was snow, even though he was floating the snow around him was slightly melting. Just evaporating where ever he went. He wasn't sure where he is, one second he was walking back to the sewers with Ghostbur and the next he was here. So he stayed there thinking on how he got there. 

The sound of footsteps through snow broke him out of his thoughts. He looked up towards the sound, a faint glint shown through the trees getting closer and closer.

Well let's back track to the beginning of the day.

To say Tommy was excited was an understatement. The young ghost was vibrating on the spot, literally, if you focused on him you can clearly see he was physically vibrating. Meeting Quackity and Fundy really hyped him up for meeting everyone else. 

It was clear Tommy was excited, and seeing him so excited made Ghostbur happy. They were gonna see Niki and Karl, and Ghostbur hadn't seen them in a while. So the combination of Tommy meeting people, and Ghostbur's own hype, it made the atmosphere of the room be like caffeine. 

The motioning went by fast, with Tubbo coming over and having the ghosts follow him. The boy had already got Niki and Karl to wait at his house, along with a Sapnap who refused to leave Karl's side. None of them really knew what was happening, even Karl, this was new. So when Tubbo showed up with Ghostbur and a dead Tommy, the reaction was pretty instant. 

Niki immediately started to tear up, hands flown up to her mouth. She doesn't want to believe this, Tommy isn't dead, right? That can't be right. But it is. Tommy was and still technically is a child, so what happened?

Sapnap couldn't believe his eyes, right in front of him was the ghost of Tommy.  The usual loudmouth, extroverted, and downright energetic kid was right here but not here. Now he seems more meek, definitely dead, not anything like the Tommy he knew. He can't help but wonder what the hell happened to him, I mean, wasn't Dream watching him? Does Dream know he's dead? Sapnap doesn't know, and he's not sure he'll ever knew.

And finally Karl. Karl was basically distraught, how did Tommy die? This wasn't supposed to happen! This never happened before! He knows this never happened before, at least he thinks he knows. How can he fix this? Should he fix this. Can he fix this? What'll happen next? What will the future be like now? He didn't know. These thoughts, these questions, they just kept going and going on and on in his mind. 

Tommy, taking one look at their faces and Niki's tears, quickly went over to Niki to give her a hug. He remembers a decent amount about Niki, she's nice, he really likes her, so seeing her sad makes him sad. And almost immediately Niki hugged back. "Hi.?" Tommy spoke up unsurely. Sapnap's eyes widened by just a fraction. "Holy shit.." Sapnap whispered. The only thing Karl did was grip Sapnap's sleeve. 

Tubbo decided to step forward, as Tommy let go of Niki. "We aren't really sure on who or what Tommy remembers so.."Tubbo chided in. Karl took a step forward. "S-So what do you remember... about us?" He asked hesitantly.  Tommy those for a moment before he spoke up. "Well,.." He pointed towards Niki. "..I know you're really nice, and your name is Niki." He then pointed towards Sapnap. "I remember you with fire, and that you yell a lot." And lastly he pointed at Karl. "You....I don't remember a lot about you, but I know you're really nice!"Tommy exclaimed. 

Knowing that Tommy at least remembers something about each of them makes them all release a breath of relief. Tubbo then went on to explain that both Fundy and Quackity know that Tommy's dead. And all three of them understood everything that Tubbo explained until it got to Dream. Tubbo explained his interaction with Dream, expressing his concerns and suspicions about Dream. 

Everyone had conflicting emotions and thoughts on that subject. So for the time being, they let it drop. And by the time they were done conversing, more and more people were waking up. They all went off on their own, save for Ghostbur and Tommy. Ghostbur started to lead them back to the sewers with a nice one sided conversation, with the occasional sounds of agreement from Tommy. Halfway through the walk Tommy heard something, a tune, a song. And next thing he knows he's gone.

Ghostbur turned around when Tommy stopped responding only to find him gone. "Tommy?" He blurted, surprised Tommy was gone. He started to look around, softly calling out for Tommy. Tommy didn't really walk off, even when they found Quinn Tommy stayed within distance of Ghostbur. Then a thought came to his mind, 'Phil!'. Tommy must have went to find Phil! Tubbo mentioned Phil went to Techno, so that must be where Tommy's going! With that thought in mind the ever so optimistic ghost started his way to Techno's house. 

But what no one knew was that a lone green figure saw the whole thing. He wasn't stupid, he knew what this meant, this just threw another wrench in his plans. 

Yet this brings us to now.

Tommy stood still, with the snow piling up and melting down around him. A more bulky figure came into view, one with pink hair and a guarded expression. Tommy immediately remembers him as Techno, his brother. Techno eyes widened upon seeing the ghost. "Tommy." Techno said rather bluntly. Tommy smiled, "Hi Techno!" He exclaimed. Techno's expression wavered, but was still unreadable. 

Well, it seems this is gonna be an interesting day.


(968 words)

Question of the day- What's your favorite video game(s)?

Mine are Minecraft and Undertale

also hi I've been procrastinating a lot so let's see whether I remember about doing another chapter or not yaaay

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