Chapter 10

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Tubbo had a plan.

He knew what he was going to do today, the cards were laid out before him and all he needed to do was play them. First off he would explain the Tommy situation to Fundy and Quackity, show them Tommy. Maybe show some more people Tommy. Go through with taking Phil off house arrest, that was something he wouldn't ignore. If he had time he would go and gather Techno's stuff to give back later. 

He wondered if Dream knew Tommy was dead, or at least not wherever he took him. If Dream showed up today he would ask him about Tommy, as a little test per say. If he acted like he just saw Tommy then he would need to be a bit cautious around him. It always struck him weird why Dream never told anyone where Tommy was no matter what. For now that doesn't matter.

He walked around L'Manburg looking for Fundy and Quackity. He found Fundy fairly quick, he was just walking around, he got his attention and told him to wait at the entrance of the sewers. He seemed a little confused but didn't question it, changing his direction toward the sewers. Finding Quackity took a little longer, he was talking with Karl. Once the two were done talking Tubbo basically dragged him to the sewers with Fundy waiting there.

Quackity looked at Tubbo. "So why are we at the sewers?" He questioned. He didn't get why Tubbo would want to come here besides Ghostbur, even then he never dragged people with him usually. "I got something to show you two. You cannot tell anyone. At least not yet." Tubbo responded. The two looked even more confused following Tubbo through the sewers. Tubbo stopped in front of Ghostbur's home, and told the other two to wait outside. Entering the home he found Ghostbur looking at him from the floor with Friend in his lap, and Tommy reading a book, but paused to look up at him. 

Asking if both ghosts were ready for Fundy and Quackity to be here he edged towards the door. Both ghosts nodded, Ghostbur adding a enthusiastic "Yeah!". Opening the door Quackity went in first peering around confused as to why he was here. Freezing in his spot once he saw Tommy. Fundy moves around the frozen man looking to see what made him freeze, pausing once he did. The ghost in question looked up at the two from his spot curiously. He could faintly recognize the fox guy, but the other not so much.

He was pretty sure they weren't going to say anything so he'll start then. "H-hello.." He said, still pretty unsure on how they would react. Fundy snapped out of it, blinking rapidly. "I- wh-what- how?!" He stuttered. Tommy just blinked up at them. Quackity looked at Fundy then back at Tommy. " you..remember us...?" He asked. Tommy thought for a few seconds. "A little." He pointed at Fundy. "I know you're Fundy, and that you're a furry." He then pointed at Quackity who was snickering at the deflating Fundy. "And you're the guy who yells in Spanish a lot." Quackity looked down with the revelation that that's what Tommy remembers of him. He didn't realize but he was making a weird ass face while doing so. 

Tommy let out a small giggle, something you wouldn't expect from Tommy, the way the reacted was funny. Fundy was practically deflating on the spot, and Quackity's face looked pretty weird. The giggle made everyone look at him. And he stared back at them with a small smile on his face. He liked these two the seemed nice and were pretty funny. 

Now Quackity and Fundy weren't sure how to react. Tommy was here, except he wasn't. They don't know how he died, they don't know anything. And they were pretty sure Tubbo didn't either. The always saw that kid messing around, pulling pranks, being loud, always doing something, never stopping on a daily basis. But here he is in front of them, sitting down, calm, timid, and dead. Not a good combination when it comes to Tommy, especially the dead bit. Who knows what happened out there that made him die, they weren't sure if he remembered or not but for now the won't push it. Settling for just talking. 

They cracked jokes and talked for about an hour. Tubbo told them his plan with people meeting him and they both agreed a few at a time would be best. They read his memory book taking what he knew into consideration. Tubbo also talked about his plan to give Techno his stuff back and to take Phil's house arrest off. They understood the Phil thing but for Techno, they were a bit hesitant, but Tubbo explained his reasoning, and they caved. By now it was time for them to leave and get on with the day. As they were leaving Tubbo talked about his concerns regarding Dream. They actually forgot about him, thought about, and decided to let Tubbo do his thing when he was around. Fundy didn't want to admit it, since he's married to Dream and love him but, Dream has seemed on edge lately, more agitated. He didn't want to believe Tubbo, so he pushed it away, but it stayed at the back of his mind, just in case.


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Mine is fall

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