Chapter 6

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Stuff I remember 

By Tommy

-Training with Techno 

-Playing with Wilbur

 -Helping Phil around the house


-A van


-Celebrating something in the van

- Building something

-Talking to black and white person /Ranboo??/

-Seeing Ghostbur




Pausing his writing Tommy racked through his memories, seeing if there was anything else of importance. Deciding that was it, he put the quill down and looked back up at the rambling ghost in front of him. 

Seeing Tommy was done writing Ghostbur took the ink and quill, put them away, and took the book. Reading through the contents, he was a little concerned about the lava part but there's really nothing he could do about it. "So you remember happy things like me?" Ghostbur asked. Thinking about it, the only bad things Tommy could sort of remember wasn't much, just feelings. Like the tug in your gut that activates fight or flight. "Yeah...I guess so." Tommy replied, a little unsure.

"Well that's ok! We can still be Lads on Tour! Do you remember Lads on Tour?" Ghostbur said trying to see if he remember that. The phrase sparked something in Tommy, maybe amusement, but he somewhat remembered it. "Yeah.....yeah! I do!" Tommy said, excited, remembering something new was fun. It was like opening Pandora's Box for him, something unknown was there, all he had to do was find a way to open it.

Ghostbur got excited that Tommy remembered Lads on Tour. He was excited to have a ghost friend in general, even though he was a bit disheartened his that Tommy was dead at all. "Ooh! We should go see Phil! He would be so happy to see you!" Hearing about his dad Tommy got even more excited, almost bouncing in his seat. Nodding his head, almost frantically. Ghostbur got up from where he sat, and took Tommy's hand in his, and started his way towards the door.

Halfway through the sewers Ghostbur got an idea. "We can surprise him!" He exclaimed. The words that came out of nowhere surprised Tommy. He stared at Ghostbur almost wide eyed at him before nodding his head saying. "Sure." And with that Ghostbur practically started skipping his way towards the exit of the sewers. Until he remembered that people probably didn't know Tommy was dead. 

With that thought in mind he went a more secret route to Phil's house. A route no one knew about, and he called it, the backroads. Which was more like Ghostbur and Tommy going in between the opuses and staying out of sight as much as possible. Phasing through the back wall of the house, Ghostbur and Tommy behind him, and started looking for Phil.

They found Phil in his room, pacing the floor. "Okay so, I'm gonna talk to Phil for a second, you stay out here and I'll come get you, Okay?" Ghostbur whispered, to which he nodded and moved out of sight. With that Ghostbur entered the room. "Hello Phil!" The ghost exclaimed. Hearing him made Phil look up at his dead son. "Hello Ghostbur, how are you?" Phil asked, seeing at least one of his sons made him ease up a bit.

"Oohhh! You're gonna be so happy and surprised!" Ghostbur said. The excitement he had made Phil smile. He hadn't seen Ghostbur this excited since he found Friend. "Really? What is it?" Phil asked. Ghostbur was basically vibrating in place until he said it. "It's Tommy!" That made Phil freeze. "Wh-What do you mean Ghostbur?" Phil said. Ghostbur paused, looked and went to the door, grabbed Tommy's hand and pulled him into the room.

Phil started bug eyed, tears threatening to appear in his eyes. I mean how could you blame him, standing in front of him is his youngest son, except he's a ghost. "Tommy.." Was all Phil could say before he pulled that ghost into a hug. Tommy embraced the hug, he didn't want Phil to be sad so maybe hugging back could help. "Hi dad" was Tommy's muffled reply, he basically cuddled into his father. The comfort Phil was radiating was something he wanted.

"Group hug!!" Yelled Ghostbur as he hugged both his dad and younger brother.  The chuckle that escaped Phil was pretty wet, you could tell he was crying. But neither ghost mentioned it. The hug was nice, something peaceful. And for a while, the three stayed there hugging. Because for now they all wanted to hold onto this moment.


(737 words)




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