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OCTOBER 30TH 2019!
10:32 AM!


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bodie head shot up as i held up a cup of whipped cream from the bottle i kept in my mini fridge for whenever he was here, or a bag of munchkins.

"which one?"i asked him, holding them out for him to choose, and he pawed at the whipped cream.

i chuckled, letting him take it back over to the bed i had in my office for him and put his paws over the toy i had gotten him that april and i had named spot.

i was deep into my work when i heard my door open, and slowly close.

"charlie, bodie is now my dog, go get another."i stated loudly, signing off on one of my reports.

"i don't think charlie would let bodie go that easily."i looked up, seeing jake chuckle and i forced a smile.

"too bad. he loves me more."i fired back
as jd sat down, and i pushed away my work as
he put his feet on my desk.

"we discussed this! feet off my desk!"i pushed
them off, and he laughed.

"can i talk to you about this girl i like?"he asked and i shrugged, "why not."

"you see, theres this girl i really really really like,"he started, "and i call her something
that rhymes with ms.keely."

i rolled my eyes at him, and he smiled, "but she kinda left me at this party and left me in the dark for a few days afterwards. and when i called a friend and had him put her on the phone and she hung up on me."

"is this your way of telling me you want to talk?"i asked him and he shrugged.

"do you know someone who's name rhyms with ms.keely?"he shot back, and i rolled my eyes at him once more, "yeah me."

i got up, grabbing bodie's leash before hooking him up to it and looked at jd, "take a walk with me."

we walked down the halls of warrior, and i lead the boys outside, tossing jd an extra pair of shades i had.

as we walked down the streets of boston, it was silent between the two of us before jd broke the silence.

"what happened?"he asked, looking over at me, and i sighed.

"i panicked."i started, and he gave me a worried look.

"the girls were questioning when the two of us would become a thing, and i panicked."i explained, and i stopped dead in my tracks.

"i like you, alot jd i really do."i turned to look at him, "i am far from ready for a relationship. and i really dont want to be the one that holds you down."

"bristol fay, you aren't holding me down and you never will."he told me, "i will wait. i dont care how long but i will wait."

"for me?"i rose my eyebrow, and he nodded.

"i will wait for you."


theres about to be a MAJORRRRR timeskip
bc i've been writing this book for like two years
and we need ACTION.

okay bye now

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