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OCTOBER 27TH 2019!


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jd beamed as i walked out,
pulling off taylor swifts
"sparks fly" costume from
her speak now tour, and my
hair was in pretty curls.

"thanks."i smiled, putting some
red lipstick on, "you ready to go
to the party?"i asked and he nodded,
before the two of us left.

the two of us talked about anything
under the sun, and somehow we
got back to fortnite.

"you seriously think you could
beat me 1 on 1?"i asked, and
he nodded, "100%."

"my travis scott skin can beat
your default skin anytime."he
teased, and i gasped, "it's a
soccer skin thank you very much!"

"default!"he argued as we pulled
up, and i rolled my eyes, "your travis
scott skin is boring!"

i got out, doing my best to
quickly get to the door before
he did but with my knee still not
fully healed i was limping.

he quickly caught up and i
frowned as he opened the door
for me.

"please be careful of your knee."
he told me, and i sighed,

"no promises!"

[ tw// mentions of abuse, ]


i sat at a table with mel, steph
tatiana, katrina and april who had
come with matt, talking.

"so when is this you and jd
thing happening?"april hinted,
and i rose an eyebrow at her
as i took a sip of my halloween margarita.

"never."i told her, and mel rose
an eyebrow at me, "bullshit."

i laughed, shaking my head,
"you may call bullshit but i
however do not."

"look i'm still not ready for a
relationship yet. not after john."
i told them thinking back to earlier
this year and what he said.

"and you don't have to
be ready. if you're not ready
that's perfectly fine."steph told me,
and i glanced over at jd, seeing him
laughing with matt, charlie mcavoy, and
brandon carlo.

i downed the rest of my margarita,
biting my lip wondering if i wanted to
tell them or not about my trip.

"you okay?"april asked, noticing
i was starting to get a little bit
anxious, and i got up, grabbing
tequila before coming back.

"i went and saw john in prison
in february."i blurted out, and
i saw april's eyes soften.

"why?"april asked, and i played
with the rim of my cup.

"that west coast road trip
i couldn't even shut my eyes
without seeing him."i took a deep
breath, "whenever i tried to sleep,
trying to focus on something,
i saw him and i was sick of it."

"so i went to the jail and confronted
him."i went on, and took a baby sip
of the tequila.

"jake went with me, and i
honest to god don't know why
i went either. maybe i wanted closure,
i don't remember."i took a deep breath,
taking a big sip of the tequila, "i remember
flipping out on john, and him telling me
jake was the one for me."

"but when the court date came
he was the same guy i knew who
would beat me senseless for just
god damn breathing."i took a deep
breath before getting up and walking

the only people who knew about
the court date were april and sadie.

jake wasn't able to come due to being
on a road trip and i had to stay behind
because of the court date, and i'd meet
them but i never went on the road trip.

"are you okay?"april asked, breaking me
out of my thoughts and i nodded.

"i don't like talking about it. i'm sorry
i didn't tell you i went to go see john."
i told her as she wrapped me in a hug.

"bris don't worry about it. i'm not
mad."she told me, and she brought me to her car so we could sit and talk like we would
in college.

"did you ever tell jd about the court date?"
april asked and i shook my head no, "i never
brought it up. if he asked if i was okay i'd tell him i was fine."

"john got sentenced to ten years in prison and i figured it'd all be over you know?"i asked her, looking over at her, and she gave me a sad smile.

"the nightmares don't happen a lot anymore, i'm happy with what friendship i have with jd and everyone else around me but there's always going to be that fear in the back of my mind that something bad is just going to happen."i told april, and she gave me a side hug the best she could.

"it takes time and it's going to. time is one of the only healers."she explained, and tears pricked at my eyes.

"i want it to heal faster."i whispered, and she wrapped me in a tight hug.

"make time go faster."

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