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Sadie Donato, sat on the arm of my chair, as April McAvoy stood next to her, with a hand on her hip.

"We are going to freeze our asses off and that's final."April added, making me crack a smile.

April McAvoy, the twin sister of Boston Bruins own, Charlie McAvoy, and they were polar opposites.

Charlie was a little shy, while April spoke her mind, and sassed whenever she could.

Sadie Donato, the younger sister of Bruins own Ryan Donato, was almost like her older brother except the fact she didn't play hockey.

And I was lucky enough to have these two as my best friends.

I had met these two my first year at BU, and We had been roommates for our freshman year, and we clicked.

"It's five degrees out, i'm not going out so I can freeze my butt off for a good deal."I shake my head, and April groans, "Your such a chicken."

"I work with both your brothers i'm exhausted."I argue, stifling a wince as I push myself up on the couch.

ok it's a little white lie.

I couldn't even go over my parents this morning because of how much pain I was in, after last night.

I shake my head at the horrifying memories of last night, before the girls continue, "We'll take you to dunkin to get coffee."

"Guys I feel like crap. I didn't even go to my parents for thanksgiving I felt so bad."I confessed, and they furrowed they're eyebrows, "You always go to your parents."

"Then we can stay in and watch christmas movies in your bed."Sadie suggested, and I shrugged, "That doesn't sound bad."

I carefully got up off the couch, before going into the kitchen to get some food, before April placed a hand on my shoulder, making me wince.

"You go lie down, you look like shit."Her worried eyes caught my blue ones, and I went to argue, before Sadie glared at me, and I left the kitchen.

I snuggled up in the blankets, before going onto my netflix, and finding a few christmas movies for us to watch.

"What are we watching?"Sadie questioned, with a mouth full of popcorn, and I laughed.

"I vote a christmas story!"April plopped onto my bed, with a tub of ice cream, grinning like a fool.

"A christmas story it is."I shrugged, before turning on Little Ralphy wanting a red rider bb gun.

Tyler's deadline was coming soon, and it had been weighing on my mind since john left early this morning.

I needed an out and I needed to figure it out fast and soon.

i have seven days to figure out a way to get out of that relationship before tyler came down and told the boys, and I'd be fucked by then.

but who said I wasn't now?

everything was spiraling out of control, and I couldn't figure out how to stop it.

"Are you gonna tell us what's on your mind or keep it bottled up?"Sadie questioned, snapping me out of my thoughts, "I'll keep this one bottled up."

"You got laid didn't you?"April guessed, making sadie and i's mouths go wide open, "April Victoria McAvoy!"

"No I did not get laid!"I yell, making her crack up, "Well you need to."

"Oh my god stop."I place my hands on my face, making April laugh even more.

"What did DeBrusk do now?"Sadie asked, and I laughed, shaking my head, "Nothing surprisingly."

"I know you like him."April admitted with a smirk, making my mouth hang wide open, "I do not!"

"Yes you do, I see it every time you look at him. You don't look at John like that."Sadie joined in, making me frown, "I don't like him."

"Yes you do!"


oops i have another chapter done i kinda wanna keep going but....

it's 3:41

i'm writing another chapter.

heads up the next chapter has mentions of abuse in it, so skip that chapter if your sensitive to that

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