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I looked towards the drivers side where jake sat, with his hands on the wheel, and his worried eyes looking right at me, "it's just the guys, and everyone in the organization i promise you."

"i just don't want them to treat me differently."i shrugged, before turning to look out the window, finding some snow falling.

"they won't i promise."jake reassured me, and i nodded, before the two of us got out grabbing the presents and headed inside.

it took the two of us awhile to finally get in because our hands were full, but when we did, Brittany Marchand came running towards jake and i, giggling up a storm, "Hide me!"

"Why sweetheart?"I dropped the gifts down, furrow my eyebrows, picking her up, "Uncle Pasta and I are playing hide and seek and i don't want him to find me!"

"i know exactly where we can hide!"I smile, before the two of us run off to a hiding spot i had found while playing hide and seek with the bergeron kids a while back.

"shh!"Brit shushes, making me quietly chuckle.

as time passes, i kid you not pasta had to have gone past us like seven different times, "Brad!"

"What's up!"a faint yell called back, before walking towards pasta, "I lost britt..."

"I know where they are!"Matt cried out, before feet rushed towards the closet, and was flung open, revealing pasta, matt, and brad, with all wide eyes.

"Hi daddy!"Brit piped up, giggling, she got up and ran off, as the boys stood in front of me still with eyes wide as can be.

"Are you guys going to stand there and stare or let me get up?"I questioned, before matt quickly helped me up, and pulled in a hug, before brad, and pasta joined in.

"Damn it Bris, we've missed you."Matt let out a sigh of relief, before yells started to come down the hallway, "Where is she?!"

Matt released the hug, as sadie barreled down the hallway, before crushing me in a hug, "Bristol!"

"No Way!"I heard come from the kitchen, before i was dragged in there by Sadie, revealing Stephane Bergeron, Tatiana Chara, and Mel Krug's faces lit up the second they saw me, "Bristol Fay Neely!"

"Don't attack me!"I laugh as Tatiana runs and hugs me tightly, before it's one big group hug.

"Oh man have we missed you!"



I turn around, finding Jake leaning up against the doorframe of the bergeron's kitchen, "Hey."

the party was just dying down, and it was basically the team and the wife's and girlfriends left, and then there's me.

"Tonight wasn't as bad as you thought it would be was it?"Jake questioned, and I chuckled, shaking my head as I grabbed a bottle of water, "I guess not."

"I told you it would be bad."He teases, as he walks over to me and I stick my tongue out at him.

"Whatever you want to say."I shrug innocently, before he joins me, sitting on a barstool.

We sit in silence for a few moments, before jake looks above us, and I join him, finding mistletoe.

god damn it.

"Mistletoe eh?"He grins and i shake my head, before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

walking off, i keep my head down, as my cheeks heat up.

man what have i gotten myself into?


it's been awhile—

so i'll give you a quick update—

the birthday game a i went to, brad made a little joke (in a good way) about my sign about jake, not being brad.

jake skated by us like 7 different times, and saw the sign.




he was smiling so wide like omg—so was i, and the fact that he waited to see that i had it, and i showed him was like "WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW OK JAKE JUST GAVE ME A PUCK NO WAY LIKE WTF HOW IM—" that was basically my mind

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he was smiling so wide like omg—so was i, and the fact that he waited to see that i had it, and i showed him was like "WOWOWOWOWOWOWOWOW OK JAKE JUST GAVE ME A PUCK NO WAY LIKE WTF HOW IM—" that was basically my mind.

we also won


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