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JANUARY 29TH 2013!


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and we were all getting a high from the speed we were going.

i was 15, and had a good night out with friends so far.

my parents didn't approve of them, neither did most of the guys or tyler. but tyler's opinion didn't matter to me right now considering he's being a total jerk. they may never like them, but i didn't care.

we were being reckless, smoking cigarettes and lucy had drank a beer or two at the party we were at earlier. mikey steered clear of any alcohol or drugs at the party because he was the dd tonight. our other friend brandon had a beer but he also ate, so he was fine. i had smoked a couple of cigarettes but i had never drank before and i planned on keeping it that way.

"bristol is gonna have some fun before the end of the night."lucy winked, and looked between mikey and i.

mikey was almost two years older than me, and to be honest i did like him, but it didn't matter. he had a girlfriend and i wasn't messing with that.

"oh shut up luc!"i shoved lucy's shoulder, and she giggled.

as we drove down 95, there was a rush of freedom running through me. i felt like i could do anything i ever wanted and wouldn't have a hair touched on me.

i rolled down the window, and stuck the top half of my body out, letting out a scream of happiness.

"bristol come back in!"brandon yelled, and i giggled, continuing to stay out.

the cold air nipped at my skin, and i felt the cold air through my lungs, but it felt like a breath of fresh air.

"bristol fay! get back in here!"mikey yelled, and i grinned, before looking at him winking.

"make me collins!"i yelled back, and i felt hands on my hips before i was yanked back in.

brandon had me, and mikey rolled up the windows, locking them. i pouted before crossing my arms to look at him, "that's mean."

"well unlike you i don't want to be arrested."he snapped back, and i rolled my eye.

mikey continued to do 90 down the highway, and i was drunk off of the rush i was getting.

and then it all went down hill.

"what the hell?!"mikey yelled, and the car swerved, making my eyes go wide.

the car flipped, and screams filled the air, with tears streaming down my face. for the first time in my life i was scared, and i was so close to death.

i could die because of this.

i jerked back and forth, hitting my head on lucy's seat, and i ended up catching the metal part of the head rest.

after that, i was out.



i asked, and all of the guys shrugged.

"as far as i knew she was going out with some friends tonight. told
me she wasn't gonna be able to make it."looch explained and i sighed, muttering some curse words under my breath.

"are those the same friends she almost got arrested with?"patrice asked, and milan shrugged.

"not sure. she mentioned the name mikey to britt but that was it. britt said she had a wide smile on her face when talking to her about the plans."milan went on, and i shook my head, "god damn it!"

"woah, why are you flipping out?"brad asked, stepping in, and i sighed.

"they let her smoke, and get her arrested! she told me that the stood out the window when they were going like 100 one night!"i ranted, and all the guys shook their heads.

"she's become a teen. this is how she's gonna be until she learns."patrice finished up the conversation, walking away to pack up his stuff.

the game had been over for a little bit, and media wasn't going to be in here for awhile which was good.

someone's phone ringing broke throughout the locker room, and we eventually found out it was milan's.

all of the guys were horsing around, before a bunch of profanities came from looch, and we all looked at him.

"screw the media. we'll be there soon."milan hung up, before looking at all of us.

"what happened?"horton asked, and looch had tears in his eyes.

"something happened with bristol."he started, and i felt anger rise in me.

"what the hell happened to bristol?"i asked, and looch took a deep breath.

"she was in a car accident."he said, and rage bubbled inside of me.

"are you kidding me?!"i roared, and all the guys looked surprised by my outburst, "all because of those punks of friends she has?!"

i took a deep breath from keeping me loosing my cool on all of the guys again.

"what hospital is she at?"i asked, and milan looked at me.

"mgh but britt said they're going to transfer her to umass soon."he explained once more, and i grabbed everything i'd need before i left to my car.

bristol had to be ok.

gamergirlT456 asked for
a back story i hope
you enjoyed 😙✌🏻


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