
649 17 3

MARCH 10TH, 2019



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i laughed as my best friend threw a few pieces of popcorn at me, and april laughed.

it was currently injury week in the bruins organization as i called it, so i was held back to make sure everything was ok with the guys.

so here i sat in my living room with april and sadie, watching fifty shades of gray because we were single, and it's the usual movie we watched.

"but you like him! and he likes you too! ryan told me before he got traded!"she exclaimed, and i shook my head furiously.

"i do not like-!" i was cut off by the doorbell ringing, and i furrowed my eyebrows.

who the hell is that.

"coming!"i yelled, before jumping off of my couch with a scream, and running down the stairs that lead to my apartment door.

i opened up the door to find jake in a pair of sweats, and a bruins t-shirt making me smile a little.

"hi."i let out a little laugh, and he smiled, "hi."

"did i catch you at a bad time?"he asked, and i shook my head.

"no, what's up?"i asked, and jake opened his mouth to say something when sadie screamed.

"god damn it! i forgot about that assignment!"she yelled, before racing down the stairs to the door.

"i'll see you guys later! i've got an assignment due!"sadie said her goodbyes and put on her coat, "hi jake!"

jake moved out of the way so sadie could get by, "bye jake!"

sadie raced down the hallway, and april came down with a smirk.

"i've got stuff at home that i need to figure out. bye bris, bye jake."april left, leaving just jake and i.

"come in, you don't have to stand in the hallway."i opened up the door for him to come in, which he gladly did.

"what's up?"i asked, shutting my door before leaning up against it.

"was wondering if i could take you on that birthday date? or just hang out."he smiled, and i grinned.

"i'd love to."


he nodded as i cracked up laughing at a story that he told me from when he was younger.

"that's how i got the nickname spidey."he told me, and i laughed, shaking my head.

"alright neely your turn. tell me a story from your childhood."i put my feet on his lap as we sat on my couch with takeout and a game of thrones episode playing that we had already seen.

"alright fine."i crossed my arms, looking at him, "you want a story debrusk. i'll give you one."

"when i was like two, my dad was in charge of jack and i while my mom was out on business so we got mcdonald's. apparently i had woken up and it was really quiet for my dad i guess and so he went into jack and i's room finding jack asleep but me gone so he went into our living room not finding me either. he had searched everywhere except the kitchen so when he went into the kitchen he saw me on the floor eating the mcdonald's left over from the night before."i finished, and jake cracked up laughing.

"are you serious?!"he asked and i nodded, "ask jack."

"this is nice."i brought up, and he nodded, "y'know us not fighting and getting along."

"it is."he agreed, before a smirk formed on his lips, "do i really piss you off?"

"oh you have no idea."

Pastrnak96 wanted
an update MWAH


jd won't be back
til at least friday,
no update on krug
other than he's out
for today's game,


and i won't be able
to listen til like the second
period damN

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