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DECEMBER 2ND 2018 1:52 PM

             "THEY'RE HERE!"

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The whole team walked into Bristol's hospital room, as she had a wide smile on her face, propped up on her bed.

"Did you even take showers before you left?"April McAvoy questioned us, making us chuckle, before Charlie squished her into a hug, "yuck!"

"I'm your brother!"

We all laugh, as Bristol leans against a pillow, with her arms crossed, cocking an eyebrow at me, "No more slamming sticks."

"Who told?"I question, and she chuckles, looking towards Brad, "He gave Tyler an update, told him you slammed your stick against the door."

"I'll try not to slam anymore sticks."I grin, and she rolls her eyes, "no try, do."

We all start to get to talking, before brad speaks up, "Where's Your family and Tyler?"

"I sent my family home to get some sleep, and I made Tyler leave so he wouldn't miss another game and get benched or put down in the minors."Bristol explained, and we all nodded, before going back into another conversation.

before we knew it visiting hours were over, and we were forced to leave.

we all were going to miss her weather it was at practice or on the road

especially me.


your very welcome

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your very welcome

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