Quick and painless

400 16 21

Freddy POV

No no no I can't! I can't do that to Junior! The only kid who is still paying attention to me! The kid that seemed so happy to see me! The man as well. I can't ruin this family!

Freddy please think. It's a while until the place closes. You've got time. Who knows maybe another kid will show up?

Bonbon is right. I just have to wait for a different kid. But I don't wanna kill a kid. I don't wanna ruin any families.

Junior POV

Freddy seems to have stopped working because he is just starring forward now. My stomach made a noise to tell me that it was hungry for pizza. I turned towards the man who brought me here who was sitting at a table a little away from Freddy's stage.

"Hey Junior you hungry yet?"

I nodded my head as I sat down and we looked at the menu. Of course we saw pizza but they also had sandwiches and salads. I looked at the desserts. Each character had their own unique dessert. Baby had a special ice cream, Ballora had a drink, Foxy had a cookie, and Freddy had a brownie.

I looked at the brownie and saw that it was more than just a brownie. There was some ice cream for the ears, purple cookies for the mouth and inner ears, blue icing for the eyes and a blueberry for Bonbon.

"Food first then dessert okay Junior."

He was right plus pizza sounded better anyway.

Once we ordered our food we had a few minutes to talk before the food got here.

"So Junior, how's it feel to be back here after a few months? You seemed to have really missed this place. At least that's what your parents told me."

Crap, not the whole parents talk. I know he does not know but my parents have not been doing well lately. So it's awkward to talk about them. I'll stay with talking about this place.

"Ya I did miss it. I've always loved this place. What I did not aspect was you working here dude. That's awesome!"

He chucked and shook his head. " I already told you. I'm just a voice here. Nothing special. I don't work here but I do work for the same guy."

I remember what he said when he came back from talking to the Boss of this place.

"He seems pretty sketchy not gonna lie dude." I did not like the look or sound of that guy. I mean who threats someone of firing them when they just wanted an answer to a question?

He shrugged "It's just what I gotta work with sometimes. He was right tho. I should not question his work."

He then turned his attention to Freddy who was moving again but still glitching, stuttering, and his pitch changed every now and then. I was gonna talk to him again when our food came.

Kellen POV
(might as well just put his name in already)

As our food came Junior dug into his pizza as I ate my sandwich. I've been thinking about Freddy for a while now. He's acting weird and he definitely has not been fixed in the slightest.

I'm sure it's those controlled shocks. I'm not a master but I do know that if you fry technology like that then it gets more damaged the more you do it. Which is why he's acting so weird.

I shook it off. Come on dude stop thinking about it. I'm sure the others get controlled shocks too and they aren't glitching.

Then why is he?

Freddy POV

I'm glad that the 2 new people sat right in front of me. Now I can keep an eye on them. For some reason I feel like I should protect them. But I still have to keep my eyes open for the capture. I hate to do it so when I do I'll make it quick for them. Quick and painless.

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